As readers will be aware, FRFI always takes seriously any attempt to ban our publication from prison. On this occasion, it is not the newspaper which has been stopped, but copies of books produced and distributed by Larkin Publications.
Michael Westwood who was convicted of participating in the Lincoln Prison uprising in 2002 and who is now in Full Sutton prison, has been told that he may not have a copies of Strangeways 1990: a serious disturbance and Rock around the Blockade's pamphlet The Streets are Ours - Revolutionary Cuba. Furthermore, he has been told that he cannot even write to FRFI to protest about this, because our address is a box number!
As with all such harassment and censorship, we have written to complain, and we ask readers to do the same.
Write to Bob Mullen, the governor at HMP Full Sutton, Full Sutton, York YO41 1PS
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