Even though it was a national mobilisation by the BNP, they only got about 150 sad looser types to show support for their wannabe Fuhrer Griffin.
Local Trades Unionist and Antifascist mobilisation a huge success, with a turnout of over a thousand. The highpoint was about 9am, when the already large anti-fascist demo was joined by the Leeds Uni contingent. Onlookers describe the Nazis looking sick and worried when the huge multi-racial crowd of youth arrived to oppose them.
The local leeds newspapers write how later in the day: "600 anti-fascist protesters moved off from the court building at noon and marched to the area outside the art gallery in the Headrow for a rally.The rally ended peacefully an hour later. The BNP demonstration dwindled throughout the afternoon".
Nice one everybody!
Round one to us.
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The New Reich can't lose.
03.11.2005 16:02
During Hitler's rise to power, many allied organisations and individuals were PROUD to attack remnants of defunct, or insignificant right wing movements. After all, how could Hitler be called extreme, if his people so diligently attacked visible extremists. This strategy reached its peak, when Hitler put down HIS OWN street fighting factions (when their usefullness was over, of course).
Blair has exterminated 300,000+ humans in his invasion of Iraq, vast numbers (at a level we can only guess) in Afghanistan, and has PROMISED a campaign of nuclear and biological war against other muslim countries under a list of circumstances that grows daily. Blair re-introduced (for the first time since WW2) mass bombing of civilian population centres in Europe with his Kosovo campaign.
Blair is ruthlessly allied to the worst Fascist regimes in Europe, the US, and Australia seen since the end of WW2. Of course, real fascism is always about reinvention, so that the apologists can deny that the current deadly incarnation is anything to worry about. MI5 runs the BNP as a parody of imagined nutty british racism EXACTLY so it can be held up for harmless and pointless attack. DRAG HUNTING, where the agents say tally ho to all the useful idiots, as they stumble off against the pretend prey, and roll around in ecstasy when they get the rag between their teeth.
Meantime, Blair chainsaws off another chunk of human rights, creates another torture centre, exterminates another pile of humans across the globe, has his judge free another bunch of state butchers, congratulates Israel on the invention of ANOTHER crime against humanity (see sonic booms over Gaza), prepares for the next False Flag, readies the next war, authorizes the actions needed to end the uncontrolled use of the net in the UK, and checks to see if his New Reich goons have done their duty on "political" sites.
Expect to see many more articles attacking the BNP and Iran on Indymedia in the coming weeks. Be assured they both come from the same sources. While we would all like to see the BNP disappear, UNDERSTAND THIS. The resources that could be used to attack Blair are finite. Blair's people see it as their HIGHEST PRIORITY that these resources are diverted into useless and pointless activities. Hitler, Stalin, and most other dictators ran EXACTLY the same operations. As a monster, you suppress what you can, but you CANNOT suppress everyone. Those you cannot suppress, you divert. And how better than creating lots of little 'snakes' for all the righteous but stupid people to spend their time jumping up and down on.
04.11.2005 13:05
UAF themselves are an extremely dubious set-up - another flimsy SWP front group, much like Globalise Resistance, ANL and a whole host of others. A lot of hot air and nothing much to offer. There's far more effective ways of combatting the BNP... some of them aren't very nice, and some of them involve a hell of a lot of leg-work and long-term commitment. After the old street-thug tactics proved ineffective (because they got consistantly trounced at it up to the late 90s), one thing the BNP have finally grasped is that the only way to get anywhere in terms of electoral politics is to start from the the bottom within your own community... can't see the left offering a viable alternative to this at the minute. For their faults, the IWCA seem to have the idea...
The trial as a whole is only going to give more publicity and the potential for martyrdom to Griffin, so it only benefits the BNP in the long term. And whatever the worthy intentions of the UAF contingent, all they're doing is drawing more attention to the fash.
And yes - there are far bigger and more important enemies than the BNP, but they are worth fighting, not only becasue of what they stand for, but because a BNP presence in British politics will push the entire political spectrum rightwards...
Yorkshire RASH
Intelligent debate????
04.11.2005 13:30
Once you have an intelligent debate in progress and it remains cohesive and friendly and as long as it doesn't slip into silly name calling then the road is paved for learning and perhaps some agreement on both sides. Nobody will truly listen to someone who rants and raves, throwing insults here and there.
A mass walkout of students
06.11.2005 13:16
Yorkshire RASH
07.11.2005 19:30
The reasons for this are because i am trying to discuss things in a more serious and adult way. I dont think it is wise to scaremonger, just because you dispise your political opponents. In my opinion the benefits of doing this, are short term and you will tend to lose people through lack of real ideology.
I agree with RASH when he says the left have lost their way at grass roots level within the community. My idea is that you build our ideas through trust, and you can only get trust through honesty. So when i criticise people for scare mongering and lying, it doesnt mean i am a nazi, it means i am sincere and i think it could damage us.
13.11.2005 12:15
I do agree with the other comments to some extent. I realised the demo was at least 90% white - that means UAF have failed to build an anti-fascist movement in areas subjected to alot of fascism such as Beeston, hardly surprising when they are using tactics like calling for the racist police to ban fascist and anti-fascist demonstrations.
Revolution Society
Homepage: http://www.worldrevolution.org.uk
Minorities and anti fascism
15.11.2005 10:28
Lets be honest, part of the appeal of the BNP is the fact that the majority of ethnic minorities live with their own kind, speak their own language and live in their own ghettoised society within our society. They have not made much effort to integrate into British society, so how can you hope to appeal to their masses when they know nothing about your cause.
"Lack of integration"?
15.11.2005 12:33
"There were 118 neighbourhoods where all non-white groups together were greater than half, and he found there was no ward where white people were less than 10% of the population."
"One city repeatedly referred to as more segregated was Bradford, the scene of riots in 2001. Between 1991 and 2001 the number of mixed wards increased from 12 to 15, half the total in the West Yorkshire city"
"His analysis also challenges claims that Muslims are "self-segregating" themselves into ghettoes, with the study finding only 14 wards where an ethnic minority group comprises more than half the population. In seven of these neighbourhoods, at least half the population is of Indian origin; in the remaining seven, Muslims are the majority community."
and this isn't from some small sample set either...
"The researchers compared data from the 1991 and 2001 censuses, and analysed the change in different ethnic groups in 8,850 electoral wards in England and Wales. It found that the number of mixed neighbourhoods or wards - where at least 10% are from an ethnic minority - increased from 964 to 1,070 in the decade, and predicts that by 2010 the number will rise to 1,300."
20.11.2005 20:45
Wards? Areas? Towns?
20.11.2005 21:18
More integration in these areas simply means increased numbers of minorities, expanding from their own areas to other areas, through lack of housing from large birth rates. Harehills in Leeds for example, which was a complete white area 45 years ago, now is home to the city's Asian and Black communities. Because the Asians tend to have larger families than Black people, they over time will account for more of the population. Because white people have moved out of these areas, and the ones who stayed have low birthrates their numbers become less. This does not mean integration though does it.
If my argument is wrong, please answer me this question.
Minorities have been in Britain in small numbers for centuries, but in very large numbers for decades. So within 50years of minorities arrival, whole areas where whites live, now dont have a single white person living in the area, certainly not as a community. Where have the local English inhabitants gone? Why are these areas which were built by local English people, kept by English people, now empty of English people 50yrs later?
It is either segregation by choice, meaning both minority and white dont want to be together or it is ethnic cleansing, which is it please i dont know.
Indymedia Continues To Carry Mark Collett's Flimsy Disguises
12.12.2005 15:52
After England won against Argentina, plenty of Muslims celebrated their success. I witnessed this myself, if you wanna refer to that same old Norman Tebbit bollocks from times past.
Get back to "Stormponce", you BNP seik-heiling idiot.
Surveys that date back to the 70s, have illustrated that Asian people want to live in middle class rural areas, but council estates, but were excluded by local authorities, capital, capitalism, and unscrupulous estate agents.
Estate agents are often racist. It's par for the course as golfers say.
If you're not Mark Collett, "Saucy", you must be a lying estate agent, keen to cash in on people's prejudices.
Capitalism sucks!!!
Anti Nazi
Wise up, Cowardly Collett!!!
12.12.2005 16:04
Hitler invented the ghetto.
The Reverend Al Green
Get A Life
12.12.2005 16:11
We all know Mark Collett represented Harehills in neo-Nazi elections for the BNP, so he wouldn't see it any differently.
What's saucy about self-pleasuring yourself before pictures of Adolf Hitler, Collett?
The Contribution of Colonial Workers to British Industry
12.12.2005 16:23
White people didn't want to do the sh*ttiest jobs, so it was immigration that kept Britain on its feet, you idiot.
Historical revision distorts the truth, whether it is denying the Holocasut happened like your Griffie tw&t of a pal, or erasing the contributions of black and Asian people to the British empire, and helping to make Britain the wealthy country it is today.
There would have been a depression, mass poverty, and this great halycon Britain you like to fantasise about, that never existed, would have been in a state of collapse.
To show such contempt towards your fellow human beings, "so-called" Saucey, you defy humanity.
You are defying logic - there again, your British Nazi Party do deny the Holocaust happened.
Social Exclusion
12.12.2005 17:20
Those "white" areas people refer to, were victorian mill terraces, built to house a capalistic commodity, mostly cheap, Irish immigrant employees, who, as in later times, did the messiest, most undesirable jobs going - mill workers.
As with American ghettos, the poorest workers always lived in the cheapest inner ciry housing. This is a sad fact of corporate, industrial life.
When people become more prosperous, they move out, which is why a rsing standard of living in our inner cities among its white inhabitants (not English - everyone born here is English), means few want to live in the inner cities.
Small, cramped back to back terraces just aren't sexy, desirable housing, and it is this fact that is so often overlooked. White flight isn't just about racial intolerance - often it is "financial flight", instead.
History is paramount to our understanding of ghettoisation.
According to official surveys, so many black and Asian people want to live in the leafy suburbs, but are afraid, or unable to do so.
Unless a socialist government evolves, in thirty years time, it will be the latest arrivals to our shores, the Kosavans plus asylum seekers, who will be ghettoised, like today's black and British Asian population.
When the first immigrants to these shoes arrived to help build up britain's industry, the Irish people, they were subject to the same discrimination that later black and Asian arrivals to these "sceptured shores" suffered.
NO BLACKS...NO ASIANS...NO GYPSIES...NO IRISH!!! the signs said, in more hospitable properties, as the ghettoisation happened.
As with what happens in places like The Bronx in New york, one wave of immigrants moves in, they start off with the messier, laborious jobs (like today's asylum seekers as all-night office cleaners), they gradually combat racism and exclusion, and move up the social ladder.
Unfortunately, in the UK, most blue collar jobs have vanished, over the last few decades, with the arrival of call centres, etc.
So, people are stuck in ghettos without a local employer, however exploitive these employers were.
This, coupled with discrimination, means jobs for those hemmed in at the bottom of the social ladder, are difficult to come by.
There is segregation and ghettoisation, and politicians have to realise this.
Black and Asian people are not to blame.
Respectable university studies blame estate agents, for making this problem worse than it might have been.
The following article is a research study into the true reasons for ghettoism.
It is worrying that the British Nazi Party claim to be academics, when they are infact mere pretenders, thugs masquerading as doctors, etc. I am a real professsor, but the BNP's intellectia have criminal convictions for racial violence, assault, etc.
Those that don't, have published hate material denying the Holocaust happened, or material praising Nazi Germany. Lewthwaite is a failed archaeologist whose abhorent views and self-stated love of Waffen SS, are evil beyond words.
It's such a shame Indymedia is now inhabited by these "mental asylum seeekers", as I call them.
Isn't Indymedia supposed to be Anti-Racist?
Why do they allow racist posters to spout racist lies on Indymedia, while deleting other, less harmful materials?
If Indymedia isn't to be absolutely hijacked by out-and-out neo-Nazis, it needs to remove all racist material ASAP.
Thank You.
The Professor@Leeds
End Indymedia's Fascist Infiltration By Neo-Nazis
12.12.2005 17:31
Racist scum ought to crawl back to "Stormponce", where they can fester with other white supremacists.
There is such crap on here.
It has to go.
The term "ethnic cleansing" is used in particular, as a racist insult not just to the vast majority of the British people who don't vote for Griffie Babe's thugs in the elections, but for the people of Bosnia, where (don't forget - mostly Muslims died)
Saucy, Max, Collett, or whoever you are - get a life, and stop inciting racial hatred with your sick lies on Indymedia.
the fascist infiltration must end
13.12.2005 08:37
And as for the other racist slur about black and asian people have more kids, working class people have always had more offspring than wealthier middle class people, who if the truth is outed, just can't be ars@d having kids, because they get in the way of having money.
That evil gag o' sh*te and genocidal war criminal, Le Pen, famously tried to offer money to middle class white families, if they would produce "blonde kids with blue eyes".
Echoes of the Third Reich, hey?
As for caring about the needs of working British people, the neo-Nazis ideas of "getting people to work", would mean sending "single mothers to forced labour camps".
Those who don't comply, would be shot.
Don't kid yourselves. The British Nazi Party combine the worst of middle class smalltown snobbery of Thatcherite class-baiting rural "Middle Englan d" with their evil Holocaust denail, and Hitler fetishing.
Mark Collett is on trial for spreading racist hate.
The references to Harehills, are a dead giveaway, Collett, you w@nker! However much he denies it is him, the weirdo shouldn't be allowed to come on here, and legally do the same thing.
So much for Indymedia's "self-policing".
How racist must a poster be, to be banned from Indymedia?
Surely if BNP scum like Max/Mark Collett are going to slur the good people of Harehills on Indymedia, they ought to be banned.
The public tunes into IMm to be informed. They don't tune into IM for an eyeful of hate.
After the murder of Anthony Lawrence, it's time Indymedia told the racists to go f@ck themselves.
Linda Lovelace
Some Helpful Hints For Lonely neo-nazi Trolls
14.12.2005 15:10
If you're looking for a docile white supremacist girl with no brains, and a taste in boorish university educated guys who think they're sexy, consider following these tips to get a girlfriend.
1) Wiggle your dainty bum cheeks (in an uber-masculine way) while practising the goosestep.
2) When making a Hitler salute in the backroom of some BNP loving pub in Shelf, near Halifax, combine your thoughts of racial superiority with a love of magic tricks (it'll take more than magic to escape a lengthy jail sentence for inciting racial hatred), and in the hand stretching outwards, allow a rabbit to run out of your sleeve, or make a bunch of flowers appear.
3) Vary your vocabulary. Instead of limiting your language to words of hatred towards Asian, black, Jewish people, or foreign people, create your own epithets of hatred towards other targets, including non-human ones.
Asylum seekers are merely seeking sanctuary from danger, but grey squirrels really are "ethnically cleansing" red squirrels. They eat them, actually. Tell possible female suitors you will rid the local woodland of (while foaming at the mouth, Alf Garnett-like) "grezzers" as you will obviously call them, and that you will make the red squirrel supreme again.
4) When you are trying to pull in a club, where you've noticed the DJ is black, and you go all cold, and numb, and your blood runs cold, tell them your "neo-Nazi aryian blood line dates back to the Ice Age, and that, you're naturally a cold, edgy person.
5) Pretend the White Supremacist Cross tattoo on your willy is meant to be the logo from X Factor.
6) Tell them that psychotic fascist rock CD in your back pocket which has songs glorifying the Waffen SS, was all they had in the charity shop bargain bin. and you were helping needy people in the world, by listening to such filth.
7) When you realise the only girl who doesn't giggle at you happens to be Jewish, and she fancies you, (not knowing you're a white supremacist, obviously), pick your nose and swallow it. That should repulse her enough, so she walks away, leaving you alone for the rest of the evening.
8) When a woman asks you, if that's a bomb in your pocket, or are you pleased to see them, you'll have to hope there's no wires sticking out. (Copeland was never very successful with the ladies)
9) Stress how an all-white Britain means snorting cocaine, when someone notices white powder underneath your nostrils.
10) When a girl asks you to buy a "Rum and black", tell them you can't, as you're allergic to alcohol, while stressing how you "aren't Muslim".
11) Use a regular call girl, pretending she fancies you.
12) Pay her to give birth to a master-race of aryian babies.
13) Ask Jean Marie LePen if he's got a less ugly sister. BOOM! BOOM!
14) Pretend your Ku Klux Klan hood is the latest item of cool, trendy, fashion.
15) Deny you've never slept with anyone, like you convince the Holocaust never happened.
16) Make love to your white hamster.
17) When asked if you believe in the union of marriage, don't boast how you would murder trade unionists if you got in power.
18) Take up trainspotting, toss away your Thermos and samdwiches in a fit of peak, and shout insane abuse the moment the wrong colour of train enters the station.
Ronald McDonutt
British Law - Don't you love it
02.02.2006 17:47
2006 The Year of Free Speech
Master Race
Get A Life, Maxwell
26.05.2006 08:14
Your presence is not welcome on Indymedia.
There is nothing enlightened about your neo-nazi Hitler fetishism.
Oh, and why are the party of Free Speech protesting against Jerry Springer The Opera?
Free speech my arse!!!
Linda Lovelace