"Leeds, Millennium Square (Coming September 15th)
Free Exhibition open 24 hours!!!
An outdoor exhibition of over 120 giant floodlit pictures.
Earth Facts and Data that will astound and inform you.
Half of humanity lives on less than £1.50 per day.
Earth from the Air is a spectacular presentation of large scale photographs of astonishing natural landscapes. Created by worldfamous photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand, every stunning aerial photograph tells a story about our changing planet. Seen together, they are an outstanding visual testimony to the world we live in today. A world with a growing population, shrinking biodiversity, polluted lands and oceans, a changing climate and a shortage of water. A world nevertheless, of beauty and of wonder. This exhibition organised by wecommunic8 makes a breathtaking impact.
Don’t miss it!"
Sponsored by BirdsEye.
The Light are also exhibiting some pictures, and holding a Fair Trade Day.
Sponsored by Starbucks.
Anyone else see something wrong with this picture?