The Kissit campaign is an opportunity for survivors, users and refusers, friends and allies to make an "in-yer-face" statement by expressing our outrage directly, peacefully and humorously.
We shall generate national and international media coverage and provide a platform for survivors to testify to the shameful methods and practices that are implemented by psychiatry encouraged and facilitated by the State.
We will highlight the issues, raise awareness, and provoke the debate.
... spread the word...
Rally Call!
...A rally call to all survivors, users and refusers of the psychiatric system, friends and allies.
After our succesful London March a new event has been planned for Manchester.
Starting with a bed push from Bradford to Manchester on the 13th July.
The main event will kick off at 1:00pm on Thursday 14th July 2005.
It is going to be a stay in one place demo on Piccadilly Gardens in the center of Manchester accompanied by a samba band to liven the event up.
Suggested costumes include wearing a doctors white coat, wear white coats, dressing up as giant syringes or wearing a straightjacket.
Have a Heart!
The methods that are employed by psychiatry, and imposed onto those who experience emotionally vulnerable and volatile states, are often inhuman.
In the clinical environment our requirements and needs are not met and our pleas, cries, explanations and experiences are invalidated and recorded as symptoms.
To ensure individuals do not stray too far from the limited and restricted parameters that define the 'norm', psychiatry implements:
Incarceration, physical restraints, pain compliance techniques, forced drugging, compulsory electro convulsive 'therapy', psychosurgery, coercion and brainwashing.
-all of which demonstrate the defectiveness rather than the effectiveness of psychiatric treatment.
The disturbance we may expereince in our lives is exacerbated and increased many-fold by the aggressive insensitivity and gross inhumanity of such methods. Those who are subjected to these treatments are often damaged and traumatised by them.
We call for urgent and radical reform of the 'mental health' system, and an immediate end to psychiatric assault.
This is a human rights issue.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Article 5.
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Testimony of a survivor: 'Double Crossed'
"Six of them (psychiatric staff) put me in head and arm locks.
I cried out for help.
They dragged me to a cell where I was stripped bare and forced face down on the floor.
Syringes were inserted in my buttocks and I was injected with extremely powerful drugs.
The cell door was bolted and I was left too recede into unconsciousness, utterly alone, terrified and traumatised.
This was done to me repeatedly.
Rubbing salt in the wound they labelled me paranoid. I am now!"
See for more, or get in touch
Hide the following 4 comments
13.05.2005 10:12
The scam is to keep low maintenance patients on the books to receive the funding, and sometimes to get rid of high maintenance ones, who take up too much time and resource. So there is plenty of incentive to keep patients within the mental health system.
Much of the NHS is modelled on this. GP get payments for referring to cholesterol tests, and so, refer anyone they can for these tests. The result is to clog up the system and waste resources when there is no clinical reason for the expenditure.
Promotion of good diet would prevent most of this, but the multinationals have a monopoly on crap, and force feed it to the people. You can see the trouble Jamie Oliver has had in getting crap - dangerous to the health - food out of schools and hospitals. The government is still providing cover for the big foods companies, who pay them large donations to stay in power. Legal ties in, designed so the big companies can carry on ripping people off infinitum are permitted.
Other laws should be used to charge these companies, and those who agreed the contracts, with wilful harm or even poisoning.
The NHS is full of nonsense targets that are driving health care - wasting tons on needless drugs, and illnesses that are results of neglect and policy of this government.
They give business the freedom to poison us - that's the reality of free trade.
State Oppression
10.06.2005 11:37
I think that those how manage to escape are especially brave and heroic and we should stand with them and with those who cannot fight-back yet.
Keep-up the struggle.
Mental Health Act - the hidden agenda
23.07.2005 13:54
Kill the Bill
23.07.2005 18:53
Michel Foucault