Recently, the fascists have been attempting to use Indymedia to undermine anti-fascist struggle in a variety of ways – Making attacks on Antifa and The 635 Group, often through the pretence of liberalism, and by spreading lies about non-existent actions, giving out a false e-mail address similar to that of The 635 Group as a way of obtaining information on anti-fascists, and most recently by claiming that members of The 635 Group have been arrested for an action in which a child was injured.
For those who are sincere in their opposition to fascism, and who want to get involved in the anti-fascist struggle, there are a variety of groups and organisations that you can contact. Antifa is a national organisation of militant anti-fascists, and The 635 Group are their West Yorkshire arm. The platform of The 635 Group is reproduced below. If you do not agree with our position, that is your prerogative, we are not interested in justifying ourselves to you. If you do however, and wish to commit to the anti-fascist struggle, or if you have information on fascist activity, please contact us DIRECTLY.
The 635 Group

Answerphone for information on fascist activity – 07913 024596
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