Jeff’s most recent prison dispatch was read out before ‘Green With a Vengeance’ was shown, a documentary about the ‘Earth Liberation Front’ including an interview with Jeff Luers from prison. Afterwards a 10 minute video that had been smuggled out of a French maximum security prison was shown. This unique film showed three heavily disguised ‘long term prisoners’ discuss the horrific conditions and policies that could quite easily transcribe to the UK prison experience. The ex-anarchist prisoner Mark Barnsley gave an interesting an informative talk about various aspects of the prison industrial complex, the introduction of American penal policies to Europe through Britain, prison privatisation and the panoptican prison society, followed by a short question and answer session.
At the end of the evening cards were signed for Marco Camenisch, who has recently been sentenced to an additional 17 years on top of his already 10 year sentence. Also cards for the “Il Silvestre” group in Italy six of whom have been arrested. Two of the six, Alessio Perondi and Costantino Ragusa, are being held prisoner by the authorities.
All six are being investigated for allegedly encouraging militant protests through the publication of the anti-civilization anarchist orientated paper "Terra Selvaggia". They are also accused of involvement in actions claimed by COR (Cells of Revolutionary Offensive), this is despite the fact the six are all anarchists and COR is a Marxist group!
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