More photographs have come to light, which have been sent out recently with our statement to women legislators in US and UK about the rape of Iraqi women by the military. Please demand an answer from your MP, and send them our statement (, and send us their reply.
If you have access to more information about these photos or have seen any photos of rape by US and UK troops, we would be glad to know.
It is easy for photos of sexual abuse to be dismissed as porn, and while some rape scenes in pornography are staged, others are real: actual abuse of children and adults is recorded for the web and for sale, and even police statements made by women reporting rape are sometimes used as porn.
Accusations that photos are fake have been used to detract from the main issue, and to deter people who want the truth to come out, intimidating journalists and serving soldiers who want to dissociate themselves from these atrocities.
Harry Cohen MP helped ciculate our statement, and asked a parliamentary question about the rape of women. Our statement and the statement from Dorothy Mackey about rape within the US military were sent to every woman MP in the House of Commons, and every woman peer in the Lords. WE HAVE NOT HAD A REPLY FROM A SINGLE ONE OF THEM.
Until photographs were published the governments responsible were able to ignore all complaints while torture in Iraq carried on for over a year. What is happeniing to women is still being hidden. But we are determined to expose it, stop it, and bring those responsible to justice. Please support our campaign.

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