Dear friends
We have ONE PLACE available on March 5-7 Earth
First! "Far From Help" Medic Training. This is being held in
Nottingham, starting 9am Friday March 5th (so you need to arrive
Thurs night) and finishes Sunday afternoon. It is being directed to
the needs of activists, covering general injuries but also those that
might result from street protests or occur in areas such as
Palestine. It goes well beyond basic first aid.
It is being half-funded, so you will pay £155 rather than £300plus,
and this covers materials, the course, your certification,
accomodation and food. We can arrange childcare or help you fund your
own carer for the weekend.
Nothing like this has been held recently as far as we know - so don't
miss out if this sounds like something you would make good use of!
Email this address asap with your interest, and we will let you know
if you can have a place - please give us two sentences telling us how
you will make use of the skills you would learn, and we will try and
choose appropriate participants combining both this, and
first-come-first-served, in some hopefully responsibly manner.
See the following for the original announcement:
Dear friends
I and another mate are arranging for a private Earth First! Medic
training three days with Wilderness Medical Training, recommended by
a comrade who is now working with indigenous folk in West Papua. We
will have limited places but would like to invite you to express
interest. We will be able to ask for skills specifically applicable
to our interests, eg working with ISM in Palestine etc. The website
below describes the course - it is called Advanced Medicine For Remote
Foreign Travel, and as it is a private course, we can do it in three
days, if we complete some theory in advance and an exam when we
arrive. Let me know if you want to be kept informed.