Buckingham House, Otley Road, Leeds
- about halfway between Hyde Park corner and the Skyrack - on your left as your heading out Leeds.
Thursday 14th
* Cafe open for communal supper for people wanting to be involved
Friday 15th
* 7:30pm - Rising Tide Evening - Talk, videos, info and chat on climate change actions and the Rising Tide network. With a talk from Peat Alert "Why destroying peatlands is bad for biodiversity and climate change and what we're doing about it".
Food at 7:30 followed by Talks and info 8-9:30 then films and action videos about climate change and dancing!
For more info mail

* 11pm - Music - Electro-break-bashment and Dubs
Saturday 16th
* 12 noon - International Day - speakers, films and workshops on
resistance around the globe - Palistine, West Papua, Mexico, Argentina and others
* Kids - Puppetry Extravaganza - Making pupets for a performance on Sunday
* 8pm - Local bands Night - Moat * Like a kind of Matador * Bilge Pump * Kill Yourself *KakaDaBu
Sunday 17th
* Kids - Theatre/ puppet afternoon with a performance in the evening.
* 6pm - Open mic night - bring instruments, everyone welcome to play, perform, music, poetry, comedy, etc.
Monday 18th
* Closed- Go home munters, watch the skies, best meteor shower for centuarys, believe!
Tuesday 19th
* 12 noon - Subvertising Workshop - Billboard enhancement, guerilla art statements, 'how to' discussions and action planning
* 6pm - Prisoner support - Talks, how to support prisoners, info from around the world
* 7pm - DIY food evening- talk / discussion with Ripple project /
permaculture/ local allotments and a supper made from allotments/locally grown/picked food.
Wednesday 20th
* pm(?) - Poster making workshop
* 4pm Womens Self Defense Skill Share (Women Only) - A grrls guide to not taking shit and dealing with it when it happens from everyday harassment to violent assult
* 7pm - Baku-Ceyhan oil pipeline Campaign evening - come and find out about BP's plans to build a 1087 mile oil and gas pipeline from the Caspian Sea to the Med, through Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey.
The pipeline isn't built yet, but BP want a substantial part of the costs to be paid by "free public money" from the UK. Come and find out what we can do to stop it getting off the drawing board - the next few months are a crucial time in its planning.
7pm - Street Theatre Workshop -
A practical session aiming to devise subversive/surreal street theatre for demos and/or any large free parties that might be happening.
Thursday 21st
* Prisoner Letter Writing workshop
* Blags and scams workshop
* Argentina Solidarity video evening "Argentina in Revolt" and action planning.
" From the unemployed workers movement, "the piqueteros", blockading roads and building community projects in their neighbourhoods - to the "asambleas", the horizontally organized neighbourhood meetings that have sprung up spontaneously in the cities. From the workers in numerous occupied factories who are self managing their work places to the "Trueque" barter network that 7 million people are using instead of money.; the spirit of autonomy, the celebration of diversity and the practice of direct democracy can be seen across Argentina ".
Friday 22nd
* Animal rights film showing and benefit bands night (mainly
Politico-punk from around Britain), check back soon for bands.
Saturday 23rd
* Healing / Alt Health workshops - Nutrition, tai-chi, yoga, shiatsu,
herbal lore
* Fire Juggling performers
* Political Art Multimedia: interactive installations and inspirational
imagery from around the global direct action scene
* Music, Sweet, Sweet Music
Sunday 24th
* 1pm - Film festival - more details soon
Vegan Food will be served daily at lunch and dinner, approx 12:30-2pm and 7-8pm.
The Free shop will be open all the time, bring anything that you don't want and take things you do, it's as simple as that.
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