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Indymedia UK is a network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and political issues

The UK Indymedia website is to be archived

IMC UK | 04.04.2017 09:52 | Indymedia | Birmingham | Cambridge | Liverpool | London | Oxford | Sheffield | South Coast | Wales | World

Open publishing was disabled on this site in mid-July 2016 as there was a very low volume of original grass roots news reports from activists being posted and the collective running the site was dwindling as people were working on other things.

UK Indymedia
UK Indymedia

At the time of writing there is still the possibility for site admins to publish to this site, but the intention is to remove this functionality before the end of April 2017 — from May 1st 2017 onward this will just be a static archive.

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