A Franco-Russian Alliance was formed. This alliance became the vehicle for orchestrating the war. The British government, thanks to the incompetence, stupidity, or whatever of its Foreign Minister, Sir Edward Grey, was pulled into the Franco-Russian Alliance. The war was started by Russia’s mobilization. The German Kaiser, Wilhelm II, was blamed for the war despite the fact that he did everything possible to avoid it. ........ more ......... Paul Craig Roberts http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/03/28/pushing-toward-final-war-paul-craig-roberts/
Pushing Toward The Final War
Peter Weber | 30.03.2014 17:36 | Anti-militarism | History | Terror War | Cambridge
A Franco-Russian Alliance was formed. This alliance became the vehicle for orchestrating the war. The British government, thanks to the incompetence, stupidity, or whatever of its Foreign Minister, Sir Edward Grey, was pulled into the Franco-Russian Alliance. The war was started by Russia’s mobilization. The German Kaiser, Wilhelm II, was blamed for the war despite the fact that he did everything possible to avoid it. ........ more ......... Paul Craig Roberts http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/03/28/pushing-toward-final-war-paul-craig-roberts/
Peter Weber