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Heifer International Continues Its Animal Torture

Baby Animals | 20.10.2012 17:51 | Animal Liberation | Ecology | Free Spaces | Cambridge | World

Churches supporting Heifer International promote
animal slavery and slaughter, human disease, global warming, drought, energy waste, deforestation.

Feedlot.. picture from
Feedlot.. picture from

Live Animal Transport (
Live Animal Transport (

Heifer International is a plot to spread famine causing animal agriculture around the world to continue creating disease, global heating, energy waste, drought, and AGONY for baby animals sent into lives of slavery and then slaughter.

It's time for certain Methodist, Lutheran, Disciples of Christ, Church of the Covenant, Quaker and other churches
to align themselves to the Gospel of Christ, not
the gallows of slaughter.

The following are board members of Heifer.

Francine Anthony, At-Large Representative

Efraín Díaz Arrivillaga, Americas Regional Representative

Fu Changxiu, Asia/South Pacific Regional Representative

Norman Doll, Vice Chair, Heifer International Foundation

Susan Fulton, At-Large Representative

Dr. Sandra A. Godden, At-Large Director

Susan Grant, At-Large Director

Don Hammond, Vice Chair, At-Large Representative

Franklin Ishida, Covenant Agency: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America - Global Mission

June Kim, Covenant Agency, United Methodist Committee on Relief

Skirma Kondratas, Central Eastern Europe Representative

Johnson Nkuuhe, Africa Regional Representative

Susan Sanders, At-Large Representative

Doug Smith, Chair and Covenant Agency: Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Charles Stewart, Central Regional Representative

David Tracey, At-Large Representative

Marcia E. Williams, Chair, Heifer International Foundation

Arlene Withers, At-Large Representative

Jay A. Wittmeyer, Covenant Agency: Church of the Brethren


-by William Henry Davies-

When I was once in Baltimore
A man came up to me and cried,
"Come, I have eighteen hundred sheep,
And we will sail on Tuesday's tide.

If you will sail with me, young man,
I'll pay you fifty shillings down;
These eighteen hundred sheep I take
From Baltimore to Glasgow town."

He paid me fifty shillings down,
I sailed with eighteen hundred sheep;
We soon had cleared the harbour's mouth,
We soon were in the salt sea deep.

The first night we were out at sea
Those sheep were quiet in their mind;
The second night they cried with fear -
They smelt no pastures in the wind.

They sniffed poor things for their green fields,
They cried so loud I could not sleep:
For fifty thousand shillings down
I would not sail again with sheep.

It's time for these churches to stop enabling the 'food' which creates

the least per acre. The flesh of innocent murdered cows yields 100 to 1000 lbs per acre.

Food from trees, vines and bushes yields 450,000 or more pounds per acre, or 450

to 4500 times more per acre.

Baby Animals
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Really now

20.10.2012 21:48

Heifer International is not a "plot"

Ordinary farm folk. Yes, shocking isn't it, but most farm folk raise and eat animals. Most people eat animals including people using this Indymedia site.

PLEASE -- I am by no means suggesting that there is anything wrong with your position that we humans should not eat animals. By all means advocate this. But don't talk as if you have as of yet convinced more than the most miniscule percentage of the population.

And for crying out loud, don't parrot figures somebody told you as if they must be gospel truth (O you true believer) without even the slightest reason check.

"Food from trees, vines and bushes yields 450,000 or more pounds per acre"

Name ONE (any one) such food crop. Is your knowledge so little that you can't immediately recognize that number must be insane. Shall I give you a few examples? There are crops with high water content (and so heavy) such as potatoes or beets that grown on fertile ground (where did the fertilizer come from?) might produce crops in the range of 20 tons/acre. At 2000# per ton you have overestimated yield by an order of magnitude. Maize is perhaps the highest yielding grain and on fertile ground can top 200 bu/acre. At 60#/bu that's 12,000 pounds.

