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Israel: Racist Country !

Malcom Weber | 03.06.2012 09:54 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | History | Cambridge

Israel is the most naive and racist country in the West ...... The migrants are less of a danger than what people think. The real danger is the way they are being treated. ..... Israel is both the most racist and most naive country in the West. Racist, because in no other country can politicians make remarks about migrants as they do here and still remain in office another day; naive, because only now has Israel discovered the problem that has been facing the “first world” for years. Only in Israel can a parliamentarian from the ruling party describe the migrants as a “cancer,” and, far worse, it is only in Israel that she could do so knowing that her contemptible racism would merely gain her support.


It is only Israel that does not have a migration policy; it is only in Israel that the migrants are still officially known as “infiltrators”; it is only in Israel that the government incites the weaker classes against them and after violence breaks out, the prime minister makes do with a weak remark that “there is no place for this.” In fact, there is place for violence against the migrants: After all, what did we think? That when they are described as a cancer and called out for their diseases, threats, and dangers that there would not be an outbreak of violent crimes against them? That after all the intimidation and incitement, fear would not emerge in the poor neighborhoods and give rise to violence?

The residents of the neighborhoods are scared because there was someone who frightened them. They show hatred because there was someone who sowed hatred in their hearts for foreigners, and in particular black people. These black people are less dangerous than the residents were told but it is too late now because the seeds of hatred have already sprouted. ....... M O R E: By Gideon Levy ......


Mach Dein Maul auf ! ........

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Malcom Weber


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Its their country, not yours.

03.06.2012 12:11

Funny how some random person feels they are entitled to tell a country that they arnt from how they can and can't do things.

Anyway, your point in a complete strawman argument. Immigration issues are not racism.
Its more to do with the citizenship of the person rather than the race. So get your facts straight before writing drivel and pulling the racism card when you can't get what you want.


the starnge and unique blends of Israeli racism.

03.06.2012 15:35

Well... Yes, Yes it is. Israel is a racist country, there is no question about it.
The thing is, it is much much much more complicated then you present it here.
First of all, Is it the most racist western country? It's hard to say, Australia is pretty racist, the eastern block countries are pretty racist. what ever, suppose it is the most racist western country in the world, it is also probably the least racist country in the middle east.
At least towards Africans. The Eritrean and Sudanese migrants are safer in Israel then they are in any country in their way.
In Egypt, if they get caught by the army, they are as likely to get shot on the spot as they are of getting arrested.

Before the Egyptian revolution, migrants would make their way to Sinai, they would then pay the Baduin gangs a sum of around $2,000 to get smuggled into Israel.
After the revolution, the gangs found a better arrangement, one in which they kidnap the migrants, and demand a ransom of around $20,000 from their families (An imaginary sum for their families). During their time in captivity, some reported being tortured daily, for months, the tortures include melting plastic, cigarette burns etc.
All to make payment swift. Of those that survive and pay, the Baduins take them past the border and literally dump them to crawl in the desert, some survive, some don't. Those who do get picked up are sent to hospital, from there they are discharged and told to go to the old bus depot in South Tel-Aviv, these are the "slums" of the city. They are then left for their own accord, some charities give food and shelter.

South Tel-Aviv is populated largely by eastern Jews (Mizrahim), the class hierarchy of Israel is largely based on race, and Mizrahim are somewhere near the bottom of the pyramid. these are the people who go out marching against migrants. it's a clear class division. The underdog against an even lower underdog.

The trend of main stream politicians demonising migrants (infiltrators in their words) is actually a fairly recent one, it's a few months old at most. Tzipi Livni a cabinet politician and an all round complete fucking bitch (And I don't use that word lightly), is the most vocal opponent of immigration. she has used words like cancer and plague to describe, well to describe people.

Around 2 years ago, for the first time, Israel decided to expel some migrant worker families, this created an uproar, and people mobilised, and largely defeated the plan. That is, many families were allowed to stay (if they had children). None received citizenship (To the best of my knowledge). But very public figures, authors and artists came out against the deportation.

Today, the first migrant detention centre in Israel's history opened. It is expected to reach maximum capacity very quickly. Skin Colour matters in Israel, but Ethiopian Jews do have citizenship. While in practice this isn't the case, in the eyes of the law they are equal citizens. An angry mod, fuelled by the rhetoric of Livni and co. attacked an Ethiopian person (by mistake), they had to apologies, because clearly attacking a Jew is never justifiable, attacking non-jews can be...

Perhaps ironically, the "lower races" in Israel are largely the ones that support this racial persecution, whereas, the Ahskenazy (western origin jews) of north tel-aviv tend to be more left leaning. It has been said that migrants should move to north tel-aviv (see how they like it sort of attitude). In truth, Hatikva Neighbourhood in south tel-aviv has been neglected for many many years, there are no jobs, junkies and prostitutes and generally isn't a pleasant place to be in.

this latest trend of politicians cashing in on this is a knee jerk of last summers rebellion. They are scared that this will repeat again this summer and found the nearest scapegoat to blame for their own terrible mismanagement of the housing and work situation.
Like all other problems, Israel is planning to solve this one by building yet another wall on the Egyptian border.

There is no denying that Israel as a state, and the Israeli population at large are racist. This is the Israeli form of class division, while there is some social mobility, there is a lot more of it if you were born to the "right" race. It's hard for me to say for sure if it is the most racist western country, it might not even be relevant, it's clearly somewhere up there.

It's a product of generations of racist indoctrination, brainwashing, segregation and fear. We also played part in this development. we were so focused on the Palestinian situation (who are clearly discriminated against more then anyone else), we did not even stop to consider the intricate discrimination inside of the Israeli society, poverty and violence which go hand in hand have left the Israelis thinking that the world left and human right movements could not care less for them.

In truth they might be right, If Indymedia UK is any indication to the attitudes of the left to the average Israeli then they have nothing to gain from supporting humanitarian initiatives and everything to loose. When they came to the streets the world ignored them.
When the people of Hatikva camped out, they were one of the first encampments to spring, and the last one to go, long after the "lefties" declared that the tent segment of the rebellion has ended, Israelis have been neglected by the International left, and poor Israelis have been neglected by the Ashkenazy left. now the right wing vultures have their go, and while they will not fix anything, will not improve living conditions and will not provide employment, they certainly would not neglect their street troopers.

If you want peace between the Israelis and The Palestinians, you have to work in parallel on all these issues, you cannot just brash it off with "the Jews should not be there" or "Israel is just a zionist colonialist state and all it's citizens should pack up and go". You have to accept both realities and work in parallel to improve everyone's life.


Israelische Atomwaffen auf U-Booten aus Deutschland .........

03.06.2012 16:02

Die Bundesrepublik hilft Israel beim Ausbau seiner Atomwaffenstreitkräfte. Das haben Recherchen des "Spiegel" ergeben. Danach stattet Jerusalem U-Boote, die in Kiel gebaut und weitgehend von Berlin bezahlt wurden, mit nuklear bestückten Marschflugkörpern aus. Der Abschuss erfolgt mit Hilfe eine bislang geheimen hydraulischen Ausstoßsystems. "Die Deutschen können stolz darauf sein, die Existenz des Staates Israel für viele Jahre gesichert zu haben", sagte der israelische Verteidigungsminister Ehud Barak gegenüber dem "Spiegel". ......... Erst kürzlich hat die Bundesregierung den Vertrag über die Lieferung des sechsten Bootes unterzeichnet. Nach "Spiegel"-Informationen ist Kanzlerin Angela Merkel den Israelis weit entgegengekommen: Berlin übernimmt nicht nur mit 135 Millionen Euro ein Drittel der Kosten, sondern stundet auch den israelischen Anteil bis 2015. Dabei hatte Merkel die Lieferung des sechsten U-Boots mit verschiedenen Wünschen verbunden: Jerusalem sollte seine expansive Siedlungspolitik stoppen oder die Fertigstellung eines Klärwerks im Gaza-Streifen erlauben, das auch mit deutschen Geldern finanziert wird. Nichts davon hat Netanjahu bislang erfüllt.

M O R E:

Fritz Decker

Multi-cultural Israel is racist?

04.06.2012 12:25

So multicultural Israel is racist? The writer of that comment has obviously never even been near Israel or even picked up a tourist guidebook to the place. Here are some facts about Israel, it is one of the most racially diverse countries in the Middle East. Out of a population of six million, one million are arab muslims and arab christians. It also has around 250,000 foreign guest workers from places such as Thailand.

Unbiased Middle East reporter

Sounds like

04.06.2012 17:47

Your piece sounds like a racist rant to me

