The discussion will be open and informal, trying to draw on different ideas, encourage people to come to Calais and find new ways of working there.
Come along if you’re interested and want to know more, have been to Calais dozens of times, or anywhere in between.
If you’re interested in coming to any dates not fully confirmed, please email

Please also get in touch if you want the info tour to come to you- if there’s energy in a host town, we are mobile!
1st Dec: Cambridge 7.30 pm, Bharat Bhavan, House of India, on Mill Road
6th Dec: Edinburgh 7.00 pm, Autonomous Centre Edinburgh
8th Dec: Manchester 7.00 pm, Plan B Housing Co-op.

9th Dec: Leeds 7.00 pm, The Space Project, Madgate Green

Sheffield and Glasgow TBA in the near future: watch this space…
There will also be talks in London over the coming days:
2nd December: 5pm @ Bloomsbury Social Centre, Russell Sq/Euston station tube
3rd December: 6.30pm @ Bank of Ideas, Moorgate/Liverpool St tube
Fuller details here:

All welcome!