The violence will escalate – for WE WILL NOT MOVE. The junta does not want to give up its power. We want the junta gone.
The future of the revolution hangs in the balance; those of us in the square are ready to die for freedom and social justice. The butchers attacking us are willing to kill us to stay in control.
This is not about elections or a constitution, neither of which will change the authoritarianism and violence coming down around us. Neither is this is about a so-called “transition” to democracy that has seen the consolidation of a military junta and the betrayal of the revolution by political forces. This is about a revolution, a complete revolution. The people demand the fall of the regime, and will stop at nothing short of that to achieve their freedom.
Foreign governments are paying lip-service to ‘human rights’ while they deal with the junta, shaking hands and legitimizing them with empty rhetoric. The US is still sending $1.2 billion in military aid to the Egyptian military. The army and police rely on tear gas, bullets and weapons from abroad. No doubt their stock has been replenished by US and other governments over the last nine months. Stock will run low again.
We ask you to take action:
• Occupy / shut-down Egyptian embassies worldwide. Now they represent the junta ; reclaim them for the Egyptian people.
• Shut down the arms dealers. Do not let them make it, ship it.
• Shut down the part of your government dealing with the Egyptian junta.
The revolution continues, because we have no other choice.
From Tahrir Square / 22 November / 09:00 am
Mosireen, Comrades from Cairo, Defend the Revolution
• A photograph of US-Made tear gas canisters, featuring the address of the manufacturer, Combined Tactical Systems, in Jamestown, Pennsylvania

• Video of Egyptian army soldiers dumping the bodies of the murdered into trash piles