Gaddafi speech Translated by A Million Supporting Gaddafi Admin ...........
It’s Day of Anger ,it’s day of the great Challenge , to show the Pride of the great Libyan
To show the brave , to show the exist of Libyan ,
Day of Dignity. Dary to proud of our martyrs.
This is a historical letter , it will be written by human history , directed by the Libyan people, to the Life and for the world to the six continents of the Earth
History will write at 1 July 2011 was a great day ,
Was on the face of history when one people of the peoples of the earth send a strong message with the courage to challenge Under the bombardment of NATO planes
It is well known in the history of NATO, known in the history its as 28 countries Nuclear states but its planes and missiles and bombs Crashed under the courage of the Libyan people and the pride of the Great Libyan people .
Listen O world voice of Libyan people , the great Libyan , Free Libyans , People who decided to live with pride and to live free and die
Allah Akbar
My friends in Europe My poor friend Berlusconi Open Libya channel ,
Sarkozy, the poor, my friend open a channel of Libya, but I advise you to take tranquilizers before you open Libya channel , because you will be shocked , shocked because you have weak nerves will not bear what you see in the channel of Libya , the challenge of Libyan people millions march The power of the Libyan people that you experience in North Africa and you my son Obama, ask the empolyers of the White House to show you Libya channel i am speakingto you live Now to see the facts In order to know that you are right when you withdraw from madness and the crazy of NATO and from Europe
You, who in Britain I do not know your name? What name? Camera ? ah Cameron
Open the channel of Libya in Down Street, Open Libya channle if your nervse hold of what you will see open Libya channle if you hold , you and Berlusconi , Sarkozy and Cameron and others make sure now you are ere in the sea And you chasing a mirage And you must be dreaming, you are wrong you trubled in a battle did not have the expense of it you don’t have experience in this battle
Withdraw Now , go to home ......... M O R E:

and will not betray the past , here the Brave and the pride , we are the owners of the right , we are in our land , the land of our grandfathers , we will never leave it , and we will die for it , this is our duty , our duty , glory for you O Brave , glory for you O Libyans , this is the glory , this is the Brave , This is the Pride , GO AHEAD GO AHEAD The struggle continues until victory ......

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Evolutionary cul-de-sac
02.07.2011 21:34
The guy is barking mad
How can anyone negotiate with that!
time will tell
millions of libyans support gaddafi
02.07.2011 22:20
Yesterday showed the true popular support that Gaddafi holds, whether you like it or not. The rebels have never seen manifestations of this size in their support.
Here's a video of the rally with hundreds of thousands of Libyans coming together to resist NATO and listen live to Gaddafi's speech:
free libya, fuck nato
Unjustified War, Illegal Violence.
25.07.2011 05:21
The U.S. Judge Jackson who chaired the Nuremburg Trials wrote into international law that the planning and doing of aggressive war is the Supreme International Crime on the planet Earth, as it actuates all other crimes high, low, big, and small. He further says that it is the supreme international crime on the planet earth whether Germany does it or the U.S.A. does it.
The U.S. Constitution says that all international treaties to which it is signed on to is to be treated as the Supreme Law of the land. This shows that both nationally and internationally the U.S. Imperialist system is guilty of the world's worst sort war crimes on the planet earth.
Libya is a paid-up member of the United Nations, and a member of the AU--African Unity to which all countries of Africa are signed on to, which meeting in Africa and reaching agreement collectively said, that when dealing with Libya, the way forward is to end Imperialist violence done by NATO, and proceed with ceasefire.
The fact is Libya and its government agreed to that, however British, American, and French Imperialist Militarists ruled that correct political decision out, and began to bomb Libya. Indeed acording to the Nuremburg Trials, the former European Colonialist countries with new guy on the block---Canada, began bombing the Libyan people in a re-conquest war of aggression, which is in international law the worst international crime on the planet earth. No Passaran!! Viva socialist liberation. End pollution wars, not endless wars for more and more pollution.
Hans B.