As many have also repeatedly cautioned the international community, to isolate and demonize Syrian government and its national leadership, with very same method the US/West used against Libya, is doubtlessly for the pretext of another US-led NATO military intervention.
Their strategy to prey Syria is an exact copy of the Libyan case which was (and still is!) extremely deceptive, solely based upon the US/West's massive media campaign of disinformation, fabrication, flat lie propaganda, together with their covert military intervention in the name of so-called "civilian armed insurrection against authoritarian dictatorships."
However, it’s now well-known, thoroughly-documented and broadly-publicized that those so-called "civilian-turned-into-armed rebel groups both in Libya and Syria have been funded, trained, and orchestrated from/by outside, specifically by US, Britain, Israel and now, even, clandestinely assisted by Turkey," the supposed-to-be their trusted Arab neighbor.
(See, in regard to the above argument, Prof. Chossudovsky's most recent article: The Destabilization of Syria and the Broader Middle East War:

Picture: Video - Colonel Gaddafi Viva and Truth..... Spoken Truth from Colonel Gaddafi Libyan Ambasador for Malta and George Galloway ..............