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More Disinformation From The Fleshmongering Drugpushers of the World Health Org.

Microscope | 04.06.2011 03:44 | Animal Liberation | Ecology | Health | Cambridge | World

Recently the World Health Organization has blamed ecoli on vegetables, in an attempt to shield the animal flesh industry.

Over 97% of ecoli or colon bacteria illness comes from slaughterhouse animals who in terror defecate all over themselves, not only in the
transportation trucks in which they lie down
in their waste having no other options, but
in the chutes into the killing floors and
on the floors. The use of shocking rods, kicks, pitchforks
and other weapons to make them move out of trucks is a further
cause of uncontrolled defecation.

John Harvey Kellogg, MD, brother of the
founder of Kellogg Cereals, did research indicating
that within 4 hours of the murder of the animal, the colon bacteria has multiplied throughout the body by the billions. Animals are disemboweled (drawn and quartered). In that
process intestinal links often split. Men walk around in a slop of diarrhea, solid fecal matter, urine, blood, oil, grease and water on the abbatoir floor. Men who have colon bacteria on
their hands spread it to their clothing, in the washroom etc.

The WHO as an agent of capitalism, drug companies and meat exporting nations like Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, New Zealand, Poland, the UK, the US, etc is trying to protect
the blood profiteers by attacking vegetables.

It is not deniable that one should wash vegetables and fruits onto whose surface ecoli can be spread by workers. However
the colon bacteria in animal flesh is INTRINSIC, INSIDE.



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yes, but...

04.06.2011 08:04

the current form is caught from eating vegetables.


no, but...

04.06.2011 11:57

no, it's not caught from vegetables. The current source is not yet known, but the strain is DIFFERENT from that found on veg. Stop spreading the media disinformation.


ah, but...

04.06.2011 14:14

the current form is not spread via meat.
cucumbers are the most likely cause

matter of fact

A Vegan

04.06.2011 15:34

> Recently the World Health Organization has blamed ecoli on vegetables, in an attempt to shield the animal flesh industry.

I assume you mean this (27 May) ...
"The epidemiological investigation into the source of the outbreak is under way. Although the source has not yet been determined, cucumbers are under suspicion, and the Robert Koch Institute in Germany is advising people, as a precautionary measure, to avoid eating tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuces, in addition to taking the usual hygiene measures in handling fruit and vegetables."

But the WHO hasn't blamed vegetables, they have said they are under suspicion. The WHO then said (2 June) ...
"Numerous investigations are continuing into the source of the outbreak, which is still unclear. " - so not blaming vegetables.

A quick look up on Wikipedia (not always 100% accurate I know) seems to suggest to me that E. Coli is a disease that originates in animals, but can be spread to vegetables by - to put it crudely, animals shitting on vegetables (so it is not only a disease of flesh) (e.g. this is what seems most likely to have happened in the US in 2006

So it appears that the original source of E. Coli is almost certainly an animal, but that vegetables can be contaminated, and thus become a disease vector for E. Coli being introduced into the human food chain.

Some vegans and animal libbers may claim that this is still a damning reason not to have animal farming. And in my view, they are correct up to a point. But only up to a point - would they suggest that all animals (inc. wild animals) be 'banned' from places where human food is grown? And how would they implement such a proposal whilst upholding animal rights?

Sorry for writing such boring post - but sometimes acknowledging science and accepting that certain situations are more complex than 'me right, you wrong' might lead to a more informed debate.

/me ducks for cover


Sweet Breeding

04.06.2011 15:48

John Kellogg was a religious nut.

Kellogg worked on the rehabilitation of masturbators, often employing extreme measures, even mutilation, on both sexes.

Kellogg was also a eugenics advocate.

I hope he doesn't have much credibility around here, as an authority on diet or anything else.


bean sprouts

05.06.2011 21:32

And, unless im very mistaken, they are vegetables, not animals.

So..... this article is actually inaccurate and is spreading lies about animals
It should be removed


Vegetables caused this current outbreak of e-Coli

05.06.2011 22:08

And it appears a vegetable wrote this article - coincidence or CONSPIRACY? Where's my tinfoil hat???????


mutinee my arse

06.06.2011 21:42

it is a shame, for all those, that, theye, cannot see, beyend the word.


Eat vegetables with impunity!

06.06.2011 21:54

This vegetable eater shall continue eating vegetables, because it is better for so many reasons than eating the corrupt and contaminated byproducts of the meat industry, although that is not to say there aren't risks involved with consuming mass produced vegetables (pesticides, fertilizers etc).

This vegetable eater has also been eating 'Freegan' veg for many years now, and is still alive and well, because I am careful about how I store, prepare and cook said vegetables.

It is also worth bearing in mind that in any given domestic environment, if swabs are taken from sinks or food preparation surfaces, there will always be a trace amount of fecal matter there (both Human and from other little creatures we share our homes with, mostly insects), regardless of whether the area is used to prepare meat or non meat foodstuffs.

The trick is to be aware of this and use your common sense with regards food hygiene and hand washing and keep everything clean.

However, environmental sterility is also a myth, propagated by cleaning chemicals companies.

In fact, for our immune systems to function properly, we need to consume a small amount of 'muck' every day, so that our bodies know how to defend themselves against it!

So, to conclude, I shall continue to eat vegetables with impunity!

Vegetable Eater.

don and dusted

07.06.2011 19:44

>> In fact, for our immune systems to function properly, we need to consume a small amount of 'muck' every day, so that our bodies know how to defend themselves against it!

It depends what kind of muck it is. As long as you know what bacteria you are consuming then yes. But eating some e-coli 'muck' is not good - so disinfectant is useful. The idea that you don't steralise anything would be akin to going back to the 12th century.

People live a lot longer today by doing what they do, not what you tell them


eco lies and e-coli

08.06.2011 23:46

The media seemed to concentrate on organic farming after the accusations. Clearly, an opportunity taken, to try and discredit the 'green movement'.

more chemicals
more genetic modification
more pesticides
more land eviction
more deforestation
more (nuclear) power for the above
more toxic water
more guinea pigs
more credit slaves
more central banks

In a nutshell.


Neither cucumbers nor beansprouts?

09.06.2011 18:44

First they accused cucumbers, then found out it wasn't. Then they accused beansprouts and the results were negative again. It's been quiet for a few days now so I wonder if we will eventually get to the root cause?


No word on GM variety of seed

11.06.2011 16:32

Epidemiological studies conclude that the most probable cause was the bean sprouts. No virus (previously unknown strain) at the organic farm was found. Possibly via seed.

Infected seed.

Below the Belt
