The Conservative LibDem coalitioners have put forward half-hearted proposals which allegedly will devolve power to the "lowest possible" level (we citizens). One item is that a referendum can be triggered on any local issue as a result of a proposal signed by one in twenty voters. The catch: the council must not take any notice of the people's decision, the referendum will not be "binding"! At state level only a glorified petition to Parliament is on offer, not a formal referendum demand.
This post is about a "campaign for campaigners", an "add-on" which could aid many different groups and movements. With citizens' direct democracy we could promote our causes better and even make new public policy! We could put our proposals forward by "citizens' initiative" and legally demand binding referendum to change government policy.
We want more democracy which works for people NOW!
We should not be complacent. Powerful groups and companies are lobbying now, in Parliament and across the Internet, to block any moves towards stronger democracy!
Add one of our buttons or the link to your website or facebook site etc. and please spread the word.