In dubio pro Berlusconi - Italiens angezählter Ministerpräsident und ein Misstrauensvotum

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( Silvios Picolas-Bambinas: Live!

Berlusconis Ansehen wächst mit jedem Skandal ............

Picture: Silvio and Angie ....... Italian Prime Minister’s Sex Orgies ........... ITALY, Feb 26, 2011–Italy, always a source of good fun (see spaghetti westerns and Divorce, Italian Style) once more is center stage in the world of entertainment scandal. 74-year old Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, billionaire leader of the country, has been accused of soliciting and having sex with a 17-year old stripper. The prime minister (and here we give him credit as the longest surviving Italian leader since the war) is known as a playboy with a fatal weakness for young women. “Better to like beautiful women than be gay,” he has said. He has been accused of having orgies at his mansion and running sex parties. Berlusconi, har har har, claims to have only sung songs at the parties. I’m sure. Well, he is still in office, a miracle in Italian politics, but he may soon face criminal charges. Jail bait is jail bait, even in Italy. Ah, la dolce vita. ......