This is very unfortunate, and I hope that the people involved regret what they did, as it has made it a little more difficult for those of us who are trying to help and support the students.
It will I'm sure also have added fuel to the fire as a further excuse to remove the occupiers from the building.
Not that any be needed, as today there has been a court hearing with a view to evict the occupiers from the Old Schools building.
This means that bailiffs may be due to arrive at any time in the next couple of days, so I shall say the following to any of you out there reading this item.
Come and support them in any way you can, even if it is just to act as a legal observer, because anyone who has had dealings with bailiffs will know that they are (to put it politely) not the most pleasant of people to deal with.
No confirmation yet as to when (or if) eviction is due, but keep following events on the web, as it may happen quickly.
Meanwhile, tomorrow at 12:00pm there will be another anti cuts demo, meeting in front of Great St. Marys Church.
If you care, be there!
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Occupation still going strong!
30.11.2010 11:09
Don't forget to be in town at midday today for further anti cuts action.
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