On the 21st and 22nd October 2010 the second round of sentencing of SHAC activists will take place in Winchester and the demonstrations are planned at the gates of HLS to make it very clear that the animal rights movement will not abandon those imprisoned behind the gates and that whatever they do to our freinds in court that we will continue to protest against the atrocities carried out daily at Wooley and Occold.
Anti repression and environmental activists, all activists (with the obvious exception of facists) in fact are most welcome.
21st October 2010 will be at HLS Occold 12.00-18.00. This is off the beaten track but look for Occold on the map and the lab is signposted. The nearest town is Eye.
22nd October 2010 will be at HLS Wooley 12.00-18.00. This is right by the A1 take the first left northbound after the A14/A1 roundabout.
Please note at both labs you will need to park at some distance away, that both demos have been arranged with the police for very good reasons.
The mobile number for both days is 07891 639803.
If the sentencing goes on until Monday there will be more demonstrations then at a site to be announced.
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