The protesters started off with an anti-primate experiments stall in town and then moved to the Uni's Downing Street site where they encouraged staff to 'blow the whistle' about cruelty at the site.
Security were soon surrounding the activists along with one male who was not wearing any identification. This male told a young male protester to stop using the megaphone or he would take it off him. The protester refused stating the man had no right to take his property. When the protester resumed use of the megaphone the man knocked him to the ground and began dragging him along the floor eventually prising the megaphone from the protester. In the process the protester sustained bruising to his elbow and swelling to his hand.
An elderly female protester in her 80's came up to tell the man to stop his unprovoked attack. At this point she was knocked to the ground by the man in question. Helped up by fellow campaigners she was moved to a wall where protesters waited with her for the police to arrived (who had been ironically called by security). When the police arrived a paramedic was sent for and she was taken to hospital.
Complaints were made to the police. If this is how Cambridge Uni deal with peaceful protesters it makes you wonder how they treat their animals – as if we didn't know!
Hide the following 9 comments
Harm one, harm us all!
25.07.2010 16:09
We still remember Girton ;)
@ Disgusted!
25.07.2010 16:46
Animal Rights Cambridge
Jibber Jabber
25.07.2010 19:07
anarcho advice guy
@ anarcho advice guy
25.07.2010 19:59
Animal Rights Cambridge
25.07.2010 21:51
'Complaints were made to the police'
This is my point about whining.
anarcho advice guy
It's worth a go!
25.07.2010 22:09
Whatever gets the job done.
Animal Rights Cambridge
26.07.2010 08:14
The police should of course arrest and charge this man if the evidence is sufficient and he can be indentified. If Cambridge University do not want retaliation then they should of course be investigating this matter and sack him.
This individual must be very worried, if the police do nothing, the university might, if the university does not then someone else will no doubt. Of course if the police do treat this AS SERIOUSLY as they would if a lady in her 80s who was pro vivisection was battered by an animal rights activist then he can be dealt with legally without others having to face arrest and beatings. If the police do not do this then woe betide the security at Cambridge University. People could maybe phone the University to express their absolute disgust in a polite fashion as well as the Cambridge Evening News.
As someone who has suffered very serious injuries from the police I would suggest that this is press released if the lady is happy for this to be done. Photographs of bruising will be useful for future court cases including suing the University.
Lynn Sawyer
26.07.2010 10:57
Nick Daguy
listen bozo's
28.07.2010 17:29
got that....?
forget the arguing, start organising.....
animal liberation front/committee for the overthrow of the government