Activists protest outside after leaving Cambridge Uni's Downing Site
A reporter from the Cambridge Evening News attended and was shocked by the Security's attitude towards him. The Security were very rude and antagonistic toward the journalist and he says he plans to make a complaint. A reporter from the Uni's student paper also took an interest and some pictures.
Police attended and protesters left the site to leaflet passers-by. The level of interest from the public and University members was high and activists managed to get a lot of leaflets out.
Some protesters returned a few hours after the protest and attached a banner to the railings of the Downing Site to re-enforce the message still further.
Campaigners make clear that these painful, cruel tests and baron sterile animal housing that cause animals to literally go mad with boredom belong firmly in the past. The protesters urged Cambridge University to divert all funds currently being squandered on animal research to funding human relevant testing, such as micro dosing, DNA chips and computer modelling.
Protesters wished to highlight not only the animal rights objections to using animals as human models in research but also the scientific communities own concerns. The public, as well as University staff and students were told about the scientists, such as those from the Safer Medicines Campaign, who are telling us that non-human animals are not predictive of outcome in humans.
-The Safer Medicines Campaign argue against animal testing on human health grounds alone. Learn more at

-The University Vivisection Week of Action is from the 12-18th April You can learn more about the campaign at

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