The meeting resulted in the founding of a local Unemployed Workers Union. The founders of the new union for claimants reflected the diversity of those on the dole – divided between those on Job-Seekers Allowance (JSA) and those on incapacity benefits.
Cambridge UWU is dedicated to fighting for better welfare benefits, respect in the Job Centre and the scrapping of the government's National Welfare Reform Bill and “Workfare” schemes. The National Welfare Reform Bill will attack single parents and the disabled who receive incapacity benefits. Workfare, the controversial program to make the unemployed work for theirbenefits (without being covered by National Minimum Wage!), is in the pipe-line to be tested in Cambridgeshire.
The unemployed activists also welcomed the presence of Steve Sweeney, Secretary of the Eastern Region Shop Stewards Network whichfights for rank 'n' file power in the trade unions. Steve kindly offered his and the SSN's help. Itwas felt all round that it was important to build solidarity between all working-class people -- employed and unemployed.
You can get involved in the Unemployed Workers Union by e-mailing them at

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