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PSC's National Demo 16 May : Remember Gaza. . End the Siege now! Free Palestine!

Dr Douglas Griffith | 13.05.2009 14:14 | University Occupations for Gaza | Anti-militarism | Palestine | Cambridge

Cambridge Stop the War, Cambridge Palestinian Solidarity Campaign and other Cambridge residents to participate in a national demonstration: Remember Gaza . . . End the Siege now! Free Palestine!

Details in brief:
Date: Saturday 16th May.
Time: Departing Cambridge Railway Station at 10.30 am.
Location: National demonstration will assemble at 12noon in Malet Street WC1 London, Followed by Rally in Trafalgar Square.

Cambridge Stop the War (CSTW) and Cambridge Palestinian Solidarity Campaign (CPSC) activists and other Cambridge residents will be meeting at Cambridge Railway Station at 10.30 am on Saturday 16th May on their way to the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign’s annual national demonstration to commemorate the Palestinian 1948 Nakba: Remember Gaza . . . End the Siege now! Free Palestine!

Following on from the hugely successful protests earlier in the year against Israel’s recent savage war in Gaza, and its continued brutal occupation of Palestine, and months of activism and fundraising on behalf of the Palestinian people, the Remember Gaza . . . End the Siege now! Free Palestine! demonstration will provide an opportunity for the British people to show their increasing opposition to Israel’s illegal actions in Palestine and Western governments’ support for these activities.

Lowkey MC, Mecca 2 Medina, Jeremy Hardy and more will join speakers from Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem, along with Jeremy Corbyn MP, Martin Linton MP, George Galloway MP, Daud Abdullah - Deputy Gen Sec Muslim Council of Britain, Jean Lambert MEP, Jenny Tonge MEP, Manuel Hassassian - Palestinian General Delegate to the UK and speakers from PSC, Stop the War Coalition, British Muslim Initiative, CND, Palestinian Forum in Britain, Viva Palestina, Jews for Justice for Palestine, Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights and others.

For more information contact: Douglas Griffith, email:, tel / text 07742 995311

Dr Douglas Griffith
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Hide the following 9 comments

Israeli Embassy

13.05.2009 19:07

Is anyone planning on giving the israeli embassy a visit after this demo?


Some tips for Hamas and their apologists

13.05.2009 21:27

1. Stop firing your crap missiles at Israeli civilian targets.
2. Release Gilad Schalit
3. Stop smuggling weapons into Gaza
4. Stop whining
5. Recognise Israel


Some tips for Israel and its apologists

13.05.2009 23:38

1. Stop firing your incredibly deadly missiles at Palestinian civilian targets including schools, hospitals, mosques and UN centres, killing hundreds of innocent women and children in the process
2. Release the thousands of illegally detained civilian Palestinian prisoners
3. Stop smuggling billions of pounds worth of weapons into your country from America including over 150 nucluear warheads and internationally banned white phosphorus
4. Start whining at your brutal, agressive, rascist, militant leaders
5. Recognise Palestine (the country which once existed where your one does now)

Wide Awake


14.05.2009 09:47

Stop firing the crap missiles and you won't get the incredibly deadly ones.

New definition of the word 'smuggling'. Are you saying that Israel obtained its nuclear warheads from America? And how can the purchase or supply of conventional weapons on the open market be called 'smuggling'? On the other hand, how do the crap missiles get into Gaza? Hmmm ... smuggling, anyone?

'brutal, agressive, rascist, militant leaders' ... are we talking Israel or Hamas here?

Recognise Palestine? You mean, like Hamas will recognise Israel?

eyes wide open

Understanding the facts

14.05.2009 14:37

Well lets look a why Hamas feels the need to fire crap missles. Since 1948 its country has been invaded and turned into an Israeli state, in the process of doing this thousands of civilans have been killed and generations of families have lived squalid, poverty ridden lives. As the first Israeli prime minister, David Ben Gurion, said,

""We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population."

nice eh? kind of sounds a bit like terroism to me.

The real crazy thing is that towns in Israel that get an occasional 'crap missle' land in them used to be Palestinian towns!

Obviously the Israeli's don't actaully have to smuggle weapons into their country, there so well supported by the US that they can bring them in nice and blantantly and the world is too scared to give a shit about it. On the other hand obviously as you point out weapons have to be smuggled into Gaza because if they were sold them in the open market that would upest the US quite a bit. And if anyone upsets the US quite a bit they would probably be invaded illegally by the US just like they did to Iraq (oh and we'd probably help us as well). The US currently gives over 2 billion dollars a year in military aid to Israel and theres no way without this aid Israel would be able to have nuclear weapons.

When I talked of 'brutal, agressive, rascist, militant leaders' I was most defintley talking of Israeli are some quotes

"[The Palestinians] are beasts walking on two legs."

-- Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin

"If we thought that instead of 200 Palestinian fatalities, 2,000 dead would put an end to the fighting at a stroke, we would use much more force...."
-- Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak

Funnily enough Prime minister Ehud Barak when asked what he would do if he was born in Gaza he replied he'd probably join a terroist organisation. As well as this the current foreign minister of Israeli lives in an illegal settlement in the west bank.

I agree Hamas should recognise Israel, however im sure if britian was invaded by another country which then occupied it and made its own country on british land you would probably have a hard time recognising that country.

Lastly, the protest on saturday is not in support of hamas, it is in support of the Gazan people that have been subject to a recent brutal invasion that killed 1440 and currently are in a stage of seige from Israel. Gaza's existence at the moment is nothing more than an open air prison. Im sure as you seem to express anger over missiles being launched and therefore value human life, you would consider the protest on saturday a very worthy cause. Look forward to seeing you there.

looking beyond the coporate medias mass propaganda

Looking beyond the propaganda

14.05.2009 15:19

" "[The Palestinians] are beasts walking on two legs." -- Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin

First, I defy you to find me the origin of this quote [other than Palestinian sympathiser websites]. There's a great deal of misinformation out there, including non corporate sources.

Gaza. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Gaza have a border with Egypt? Outside Israeli controlled territory? So why doesn't Egypt help lift this "seige"?

Your country invaded and the land taken away? That happened in the Middle East in 1948. Two years previously, around 8 million Germans were forcibly removed from Prussia. Should the Germans be sending rockets into Kaliningrad or Swinoujscie? Should camps of refugees be perched on the Oder river, ready, keys in pockets, to replace the houses of their fathers or grandfathers?

And you can argue that two wrongs don't make a right - that because the Germans accepted it, there's no reason for the Palestinians to do so. But often you have to live with realities. If the Arab world were truly sympathetic to the Palestinians, then they'd used all that oil money to look after them properly.

And as to aid ... in a conference in December 2007, more than 5 billion euros in aid over three years was promised to the Palestinians. Let's see - that's rather more than a thousand euros a head. So why are they still in 'refugee camps'?

eyes wide open

Liberation struggles will continue

15.05.2009 09:24

Re: relevance of post-war ethnic cleansing of Germans from Prussia to Palestinian situation

It would be interesting to note patterns of German landownership and business expansion in Prussia (they may have keys in their pockets), not to mention tourism and actual migration here since EU expansion. Israeli landownership laws are far more restrictive (and are likely to remain so), particularly when you’re Palestinian.

I think a better comparison on the Israeli/Palestinian land issue is the post-Ottoman Balkans. Land claims and ethnic rivalries were suppressed by the Yugoslav state post-1945 and only re-emerged fully in the 90’s, since when they have been managed with A LARGE DOSE OF WESTERN INTERVENTION

This re-organisation process has not yet occurred in post-Ottoman territories south of the Bosporus, despite the best map-drawing, divide-and-rule schemes of the British, French and others. The west has aided the Israeli project, as well as shoring up repressive ancestral fiefdoms in places like Jordan and Kuwait and of course has invaded Iraq twice. The liberation struggles of repressed peoples in the region will continue until just settlements are seen to be achieved.

eyes on the bigger picture

Liberation struggles will continue

15.05.2009 09:29

Re: relevance of post-war ethnic cleansing of Germans from Prussia to Palestinian situation

It would be interesting to note patterns of German landownership and business expansion in Prussia (they may have keys in their pockets), not to mention tourism and actual migration here since EU expansion. Israeli landownership laws are far more restrictive (and are likely to remain so), particularly when you’re Palestinian.

I think a better comparison on the Israeli/Palestinian land issue is the post-Ottoman Balkans. Land claims and ethnic rivalries were suppressed by the Yugoslav state post-1945 and only re-emerged fully in the 90’s, since when they have been managed with A LARGE DOSE OF WESTERN INTERVENTION

This re-organisation process has not yet occurred in post-Ottoman territories south of the Bosporus, despite the best map-drawing, divide-and-rule schemes of the British, French and others. The west has aided the Israeli project, as well as shoring up repressive ancestral fiefdoms in places like Jordan and Kuwait and of course has invaded Iraq twice. The liberation struggles of repressed peoples in the region will continue until just settlements are seen to be achieved.

eyes on the bigger picture

woods for trees

15.05.2009 18:00

First make obscurantist noises about Prussian ownership and mutter about Israel darkly.

The facts are simple. A German can turn up in Stolpemunde (now known as Ustka) with a set of keys to the house, and the title deeds. The Poles will shrug. So what? Not your country any more. But I own this house - it says so here! No, comes the reply, you DID own this house ...

Ah, the Balkans and ethnic cleansing. If in doubt blame WESTERN INTERVENTION. Me - well, I'd just let them kill each other. What's a few thousand ethnics here or there in the Balkans? Who gives a shit? Well, the Dutch soldiers at Sbreneca shit themselves. Pity about the 4000 people that were shot, but never mind ...

And finally, when in doubt, make some loud Marxist slogans ring out - Opression! Liberate the People! Never mind the logic, just shout loud enough and you might even convince yourself.

bigger pictures lack details
