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Mayday & police brutality march in Cambridge

manos | 04.05.2009 16:29 | G20 London Summit | Repression | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | Cambridge

A few people gathered for a march around market square in Cambridge to celebrate Mayday. After the rally some went to the police station to put down some flowers in memory of Ian Tomlinson -- murdered by the police at the G20.

Looking at literature
Looking at literature

Women in black
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Women in black
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Working class hero I
Working class hero I

Having a rest
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Stop the War Rah-Rah
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Working class hero II
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Free education
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IWW Cambridge banner
IWW Cambridge banner

IWW banner & Great St Mary's in Cambridge
IWW banner & Great St Mary's in Cambridge

Working class hero III
Working class hero III

In front of the Cambridge police station
In front of the Cambridge police station


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slogan, slogan, chant, chant

04.05.2009 17:17

is it just me or does trots + loudspeaker = auditory hell ?

your name


04.05.2009 18:28

not just you...



04.05.2009 21:26

The police station was the only good and meaningful bit.
Rest was fuckin embarassing.



04.05.2009 23:23

...I'd rather know there were Trade Unions still around in the workplace for if a dodgy employer decides to use the excuse of a recession to trample all over our rights as an employees.

I also reserve the right to take an employer to a Tribunal for unfair dismissal should the occasion arise, and if that doesn't work, well, there's always the internet and press, isn't there..?

Also another good reason not to work for any sodding employment agency, as they're a bunch of union busting exploitative pirates who don't give a monkey's ass about workers' rights, and are in many ways no better than having any other McJobs.

Besides, if you thought it was all so embarrassing, why did you bother turning up?



05.05.2009 08:45

The nearest Cambridgeshire Constabulary got to G20 was Stansted airport, it really is embarassing the only meaningfull bit was at the police station!!

PC Bacon

Coppers are coppers

05.05.2009 10:30

It may be true that cambridge constabulary didn't get to the g20, although I've spoken to people who've sworn blind that they did see them there, the point that was made at the police station was that it would matter if the entire county police force had gone to lands-end on a day trip they would still bear the blame and responcibility simply for being coppers.
Do we really think it's impossible that an officer from cambridge in the same position as the pigs who hit Ian tomlinson wouldn't have done the same thing?
Anyway we've just seen how disgustingly brighton police behaved and I lay that at the feet of pigs everywhere not just in brighton



oh ok then

05.05.2009 21:52

Acab, we know your opinion, virtually every thread on this site has you saying the same things, time and time again.

What elso do you have to say or is this it, you want to kill police cops, you keep saying it, thats it, again and again.

so what, thats not news it's opinion, and you have said it now.

I darent read the swine flu posts for fear that your there blambing the cops for it. Death of Trotski=cops, titanic=cops, extiction of to be the cops.

I have been out of the country, I see a lot of people saying that the cops murdered tomlinson, didn't realise that a corroners verdict had been returned, if so can someone post the link cos it looked like a shove not a hit, must have missed the rest of the footage. please help

