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*Call Out* Temporary School of Thought June 22nd-28th

The Temporary School of Thought | 23.04.2009 11:57 | Culture | Education | Cambridge | South Coast

Announcing the 2nd Term of The Temporary School of Thought, a week long freeschool to be held in London in the last week of June.

After Mayfair, The Temporary School of Thought would like to announce its second sitting. A week of free lectures, workshops and skill-sharing will be held from the 22nd-28th of June at an undisclosed location.

Get involved! The Temporary School is not us running a freeschool but you coming and running it with us. If you'd like to give a lecture, hold a workshop or come along to help with cooking or building, please email us with what you want to do, what you need to do it and when you'd like to do it.

Make plans. Be ready.

The Temporary School of Thought


The Temporary School of Thought
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