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Plane Stupid Disrupt Parliamentary Committee In Commons

Plane Stupid | 28.11.2007 16:17 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Cambridge | London

3.15pm - Climate activists opposed to plans for a third runway at Heathrow this afternoon disrupted a Parliamentary inquiry going on inside the House of Commons. Protestors from climate action group, Plane Stupid, disrupted the proceedings of the Transport Select Committee who were hearing evidence from BAA boss, Steven Nelson and Aviation Minister, Jim Fitzpatrick.

The team of protestors wore t-shirts emblazoned with “No Third Runway” interrupted the inquiry into “The future of BAA” and handed out copies of a Tyndall Centre climate change report about the impacts of flying on global warming.

Plane Stupid accuse the Government of pre-judging the decision on the Third Runway and ignoring recent scientific evidence about the impacts airport expansion would bring upon climate change.

Activist for Plane Stupid, Richard George, said:

“The Government are spinning that they want an open and thorough consultation on expanding Heathrow but they’re ignoring mass opposition and scientists’ warnings and are colluding with BAA to concrete over public debate.”

He added:

“Despite overwhelming evidence of the impact of carbon emissions from aviation - the government are deliberately ignoring concerns about climate change. The plan for a third runway flies in the face of the science and were it approved it would pollute more than the whole of Kenya!”


Plane Stupid

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Not wise I'm afraid

29.11.2007 17:55

Guys, you're trying hard with the right motives, but staging a gotcha during a televised Parliamentary evidence session doesn't help anyone's cause. Both the '90's road protests and the 00's fuel duty protests influenced government because politicians were able to say - look what damage this is doing. They will not say, pay attention to this group they disrupted a Parliamentary inquiry. Look how Fathers4Justice got thrown off a consultative group for locking onto a minister. Anyway, those Parliamentary inquiries give some of the best cues to journalists to criticise government, look at what 2 past parliamentary environmental inquiries said about aviation expansion, or the 5 ex-chiefs of staff said about defence funding.


Who said anything about influencing government?

02.12.2007 12:33

Who said anything about influencing government?
I'm afraid that those who believe a 'consultative group' will prevent airport expansion are misguided...

All direct action is to be applauded, especially in front of the chief exec's of the companies involved. Don't be fooled into thinking that we can engage with 'democracy', it's not for the likes of us.

think outside the box
