Foie Gras is a so-called delicacy, the production of which commonly involves the force-feeding of birds by shoving tubes down the animals’ throats. The animals’ liver then swells painfully. In the UK force-feeding birds is not legal, but the government claims EU/international rules mean they cannot ban its sale. The process can cause suffocation and injuries to the birds’ throats. Many birds die in this process even before being sent for slaughter.
It’s now time to hit the entire company, The Crown Group! The company owns both Midsummer House Restaurant in Cambridge and The Headley Restaurant in Essex, both of which have Foie Gras on their menu.
The following is a list of Crown Group businesses as well as Crown Group itself, please contact them (in a lawful manner) and ask that the Crown Group implement a Foie Gras free policy. Demonstrations at these addresses would also be greatly appreciated.
The Crown Group itself:
Head Office
236 London Rd, Romford, Essex, RM7 9EL
Phone: 01708 711200
Fax: 01708 742480

City Marketing Office
13 Bishopsgate, Londan, EC2N 3BA
Phone: 020 7334 3900
Fax: 020 7334 3901

Human Resources
43 London Road, Stanford Rivers, Ongar, Essex, CM5 9PJ
Phone: 01277 363 262
Fax: 01277 366 847

Media Enquires
13 Bishopsgate, London, EC2N 3BA
Phone: 01277 363 262
Fax: 01277 366 847
(Phone and Fax same as HR number)

Crown Group companies:
Midsummer House Restaurant
Midsummer Common, Cambridge, CB4 1HA
Phone: 01223 369299
Fax: 01223 302672

The Headley
Headley Common, Great Warley, Brentwood, Essex, CM13 3HS
Phone: 01227 216 104
Fax: 01227 264 063

Venue Reservations
13 Bishopsgate, London, EC2N 3BA
Phone: 0207 33 43 922

Seasoned Events
13 Bishopsgate, London, EC2N 3BA
Phone: 020 7334 3990
Fax: 020 7334 3901

Look Digital
43 London Road, Stanford Rivers Ongar, Essex, CM5 9PJ
Phone: 01277 363262
Fax: 01277 365162

Kudos Hospitality
236 London Road, Romford, Essex, RM7 9EL
Phone: 01708 711200
Fax: 01708 711248

London’s Flying Chef
38 Great Suffolk Street, London, SE1 0UE
Phone: 020 7633 0099
Fax: 020 7633 0999

43 London Road, Stanford River, Ongar, Essex, CM5 9PJ
Phone: 01277 363262
Fax: 01277 365162

Missing Ingredients
Pinewood Studios, Pinewood Road, Lver, Buckinghamshire, SL0 0NH
Phone: 01753 785960
Fax: 01753 651113

The Event Hire Company
43 London Road, Stanford Rivers, Ongar, Essex, CM5 9PJ
Phone: 01277 364447
Fax: 01277 366880

Jobs 2 Go
9 Artillery Passage, London, E1 7LJ
Phone: 0207 247 7500
Fax: 0207 247 5070

Creative Workhouse
The Old Workhouse, 43 London Road, Stanford Rivers, Ongar, Essex, CM5 9PJ
Phone: 01277 366858
Fax: 01277 366359

VIP Attention
43 London Road, Stanford Rivers, Ongar, Essex, CM5 9PJ
Phone: 01277 366021

Restdale House, 32 Foregate Street, Worchester, WR1 1EE

Casa Monte Cristo

Omniforce (Web Marketing and Design)
13 Bishopsgate, London, EC2N 3BA
Phone: 0207 334 3935
Fax: 0207 334 3901

Email list:

Sample Communication -
It has come to my attention that members of the Crown Group are selling Foie Gras. Foie Gras is a so-called delicacy, the production of which commonly involves the force-feeding of birds by shoving tubes down the animals’ throats. The animals’ liver then swells painfully. In the UK force-feeding birds is not legal, but the government claims EU/international rules mean they cannot ban its sale. The process can cause suffocation and injuries to the birds’ throats. Many birds die in this process even before being sent for slaughter.
The continued sale of this product, dubbed ‘torture in a tin’, is simply not acceptable. It is time the Crown Group moved into the 21st century. A number of other businesses are now Foie Gras free, don’t let the Crown Groups image be left behind!
Please contact the person responsible for Crown Group policy on my behalf and ask them to put a permanent end to the sale of this product.
(Your Name)