Cambridge Green Open Forum
Friends Meeting house, 8 p.m.
"Effective campaigning"
Lead speaker: Sian Berry, leading anti 4x4 campaigner and faslane activist
Friday 19th Jan
Cambridge University Environmental Forum
Humanitarian Society 3 p.m.
Venue details

Saturday 20th Jan
Cambridge to Faslane: anti-nuclear protests
Publicity Stunt
1.30 outside the Guildhall
"We will practice chaining ourselves together with a variety of bike locks and perhaps lock together with caribiners inside lengths of drainpipe. If you have any blockading equipment like this that might be useful, please bring it with you."
Friday 26th Jan to Monday 29th Jan
Cambridge trip to Faslane
for details email

Tuesday 30th Jan
Frontline Latin America Series
Colombia: drugs, war and terror
Ana Maria Ramirez
7.30 pm for a 7.45 start
Upstairs in the Bun Shop, Kings St.
Thursday 1st Feb
Housing Co-ops in Cambridge - The Next Step
The Salvation Army Centre, 104 Mill Road, Cambridge. ( next to St Barnabas Church.)
Following the successful conference on 25th Nov at Ross Street Community Centre we are, as agreed at the plenary, calling a meeting for those who wish to work towards developing new co-operative housing in Cambridge. The meeting will be an opportunity for those people who want to be actively involved in this.
7.30p.m.- 9.30p.m.
If you want to attend please register at

Thursday 1st Feb
Afghanistan: a history of imperialism
7.30 pm
Friends Meeting House, Jesus Lane
Tuesday 6th Feb
Frontline Latin America Series
Bolivia: the movement from below and resistance from the right
Jose Sagaz, Bolivia Soldiarity Campaign
7.30 pm for a 7.45 start
Upstairs in the Bun Shop, Kings St.
Tuesday 13th Feb
Frontline Latin America Series
Mexico: Oaxaca Commune and the struggle against fraud
Speaker: Francesco Merli
7.30 pm for a 7.45 start
Upstairs in the Bun Shop, Kings St.
Wednesday 14th Feb
Dave Rovics
Performing at the Loft
Tuesday 27th Feb
Frontline Latin America Series
Chavez and the Bolivarian Revolution.
Speaker: Jordi Martorell, Hands of Venezuela
7.30 pm for a 7.45 start
Upstairs in the Bun Shop, Kings St.