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Cambridge Mayday Weekend Round Up

IMC Cambridge | 03.05.2006 14:00 | Mayday 2006 | Cambridge

It's been a busy Mayday weekend in Cambridge. Starting on Friday, and continuing through to Sunday, the Immaterial Labour conference - "a large international gathering of radicals and militants, with a focus on autonomous inquiry in the digital era".

On the Saturday there were protests about the privatisation of the NHS and other public services with a Critical Mass and a march around the city. In the evening there was a benefit gig for the Cambridge Campaign Against the Arms Trade.

On Mayday itself, activists visited a supermarket to handout tea and coffee - photos. In the evening there was the Wild Thyme Community Cafe which this time fundraised for the Climate Camp.

UK Mayday Coverage

Drinks all 'round!
Drinks all 'round!

IMC Cambridge
