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NATFHE Strike Closes Anglia Ruskin

Camera Boy | 07.03.2006 18:22 | Cambridge

Today, NATFHE affiliated lecturers at Anglia Ruskin University and parts of Cambridge University called a strike to highlight how New Labour/Slave Labour has omitted to ensure pay rises matched inflation for Higher Education tutors.

ARU Bunting...
ARU Bunting...

Bannercam #1
Bannercam #1

Bannercam #2
Bannercam #2

Something Blair should Visit - Reality Checkpoint!
Something Blair should Visit - Reality Checkpoint!

Bannercam #3
Bannercam #3

The Downing Site Picket Line #1
The Downing Site Picket Line #1

The Downing Site Picket Line #2
The Downing Site Picket Line #2

Off to Mill Lane!
Off to Mill Lane!

Despite the biblically rainy weather today, all entrances to Anglia Ruskin's buildings were picketed, effectively shutting the campus down for the day.

This was to highlight that, despite how there always seems to be enough money in the Treasury for things like, say, wars, yet more motorways, MP's mortgages and the like there never seems to be quite enough to fund the people who are educating the up and coming generations of our workforce who will pay these taxes.

After braving it out in the rain until 1pm, the ARU picket then moved across Parkers Piece to join the lecturers picketing at the Downing site, before everyone headed off to Mill Lane for a hot drink from the USSC!

Lecturers voted overwhelmigly in favour of strike action, despite claims by the UCEA that they're already being paid £40k p/a!

I geuss they haven't seen many lecturers' payslips recently then.

It's also worth noting that on other literature it was stated that NATFHE is also in principle against Top Up Fees, and other measures that inflict very real financial hardship on HE students.

It transpires that there was also an early day motion supporting the strike action:

For more details, visit the following sites:

Camera Boy


Other picket lines

07.03.2006 23:21


As well as the picket lines at ARU and Downing there was a picket at the Faculty of Education on Hills Road with members of AUT and NATFHE. The strike there was very solid. The real action now begins. The boycott of student assesment by AUT and the witholding of student marks by NATFHE will continue until a serious offer is made by the employers.

Nick Savage


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Thanx for that...

08.03.2006 14:59

...Extra info, as I spotted the 'holding hands' banner at the USSC, but didn't know about the other picket line, so well done for that coverage.

Just one minor thing - please resize your pictures before posting them, as it makes it more difficult for people with slower connections to view pages.

If you don't have Photoshop, here's a very useful (and free!) alternative for doing on-the-fly image processing:


Camera Boy
