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Peter Tatchell to call for radical decentralisation, March 1st, in Norwich.

Rupert Read | 24.02.2006 12:29 | Analysis | Ecology | Cambridge

Internationally-renowned human rights activist Peter Tatchell will visit Norwich on March 1st to give two major speeches on the need for radical devolution, decentralisation and democratisation of political power, in Britain, via a 'New Chartism'; and also via the 'downsizing' of power-generation, as an alternative to nuclear power.

Press release:

Internationally-renowned human rights activist Peter Tatchell is speaking in Norwich on March 1st, on a visit hosted by his new political home, the Green Party.

Devolve power to East Anglia,

and localise power to cities and


Speaking at a Green Party meeting at UEA at 1pm, on March 1, Mr.Tatchell will urge:

“A radical decentralisation of Westminster and Brussels power to regions such as East Anglia and to localities such as Norwich.

“In order to bring power closer to the people and make it more accessible and accountable, new regional governments should have direct control over EU grants and rebates. This would mean the people of East Anglia and other regions could have much greater control over their own affairs. A reformed EU could become a decentralised federation of self-governing regions.

“Many powers currently held by Westminster and Brussels should be devolved to regional governments and local councils. Westminster government often tends to be remote, impersonal, arrogant, London-centred, and bad for democracy. Instead of remote bureaucrats and unelected quangos running East Anglia, local people should be able to exercise direct participation in their own governance.”

Mr Tatchell will also urge a “coordinated Europe-wide strategy to combat climate change.” Rejecting fossil fuels and nuclear power, he advocates “investment in job-creating energy conservation and domestic energy generation from small wind turbines and solar panels.

“With home generation, households could contribute to the grid and get paid for the electricity they supply. This would cut domestic energy bills all over the country. In some windy regions, consumers would have no bills at all. Instead their would earn money by becoming net suppliers to the national power grid,” said Mr Tatchell.

Defending and extending

democracy, human rights and

civil liberties

At 7.30pm, Mr. Tatchell will address a public meeting at St.Thomas's on Earlham Road. Drawing on his considerable experience as an advocate of human rights worldwide, he will speak out “in defence of democracy and civil liberties.”

“The Home Secretary’s policies on ID cards, asylum, free speech and right to protest are a major assault on freedom and liberty.

“Labour’s subversion of democratic and humanitarian values has been made possible by the corrupt first-past-the-post electoral system whereby Labour has 55 percent of the seats based on only 36 percent of the votes.

“The time has come for a New Chartist movement to ensure that elections at every level, including nationally, use a fair voting system. Governments must represent at least a majority of the people and not just a minority,” said Mr Tatchell.

Both meetings will be 'Question Time events' at which members of the public will be invited to put questions directly to Mr. Tatchell.

Peter Tatchell commented, "Norwich is a beacon of Green Party success. I am delighted to have this opportunity of speaking with UEA students and Norwich residents about two subjects of central Green concern: how we can build an eco-friendly future through practical, small-scale alternatives to nuclear power, and how a new human rights and localised democracy agenda can and must replace the present Home Secretary's emphasis on closing down our historic rights as citizens."

Peter Tatchell will be speaking at 1pm in Union House at UEA, in room 1.28; and at 7.30pm in St. Thomas's Church Hall, on Earlham Road; on March 1st. These are both public meetings, and free to all.

Said Norfolk Green Party Press Officer, Cllr. Rupert Read, "Peter Tatchell has chosen Norwich to issue his call for smaller-scale, democratised political power, and for small-scale environmentally-friendly power generation: We’re excited to host his speaking events in the city."

Editors' notes:
Peter Tatchell, who has been in the news a great deal recently partly because of the current prominence of (and recent outing of) Simon Hughes, who long ago was his political 'nemesis' (ironically, in a famously homophobic anti-Tatchell by-election campaign...), has recently written in the press of his having forgiven Simon Hughes for the nasty campaign waged by Hughes's Lib Dems against Tatchell. Mr Tatchell joined the Green Party in 2004. He is famous for his direct-action campaigns, including his attempt to citizen's-arrest Robert Mugabe.

Cllr. Rupert Read. Green Party office: 01603 212969
Home: 01603 219294 Mobile: 07946 459066

_Photo-opportunities and interview opportunities_:
There will be brief opportunities for 1-on-1 interviews and for posed photos immediately before or after both public meetings. Mr. Tatchell is also available should you prefer for more lengthy (live or otherwise) interviews between approx 4 and 5.30; please contact Rupert Read, to arrange this.

Rupert Read
- e-mail:


Hide the following 4 comments

Political advert

24.02.2006 13:23

Join the Green Party today! 10% discount on subs to the first 10 joiners!

Non-party animal

get with the programme!

24.02.2006 17:10

The ban on all political parties only applies to Respect/SWP.


Politicians fuck off!

25.02.2006 00:37

Go back to the 19th century, Green party, we don't want you here.

get this green party shit off the newswire

Editorial guidelines and political parties

27.02.2006 14:40

The editorial guidelines say

"The following types of newswire postings may be hidden ...

6. Hierarchy: The newswire is designed to be a news resource, not a notice-board for political parties or any other hierarchically structured organization."

So this applies to all political parties, not just Respect/SWP. However, we try to judge on the merits of the article in question. This article is about a speaking event in Norwich challenging the present power structures in the UK. It does mention the Green Party more than once, but is not over the top.

If the article was mostly about the green party it would be hidden. As to the borderline cases that always exist, they are up for debate on the editorial email list - imc-uk-features AT

dmish (IMC Cambridge admin)
