Today's lead item and headline in the Cambridge Evening News ( )
"Jim's law to stop traveller camps" is something I think we should consider doing something about.
Unfortunately it is not yet on the website - so here is a precis
"Bold new laws to tackle travellers are being proposed by MP Jim Paice.
"Mr Paice wants new legislation that would make it a criminal offence for travellers to move their caravans on to land that does not belonmg to them.
"The Tory MP said "My Bill would make it a criminal offence rather than a civil one to trespass with a vehicle, including a caravan.
"I believe this would go a long way towards tackling the problem of travellers."
Full story page 11...
Headline "Cottenham Site ruling awaited"
I'll put a link to this when it comes on the CEN site
Headline "MP in bid to ban traveller vehicles"
Bill Jacobs - Parliamentary correspondent
Jim Paice is to make a bold Commons move to tackle travellers.
The Cambridgeshire South - East Tory MP wants to stop travellers with caravans moving onto land without permission
This would enable police to forcibly remove cars and caravans from land rather than requiring a long and complex civil case.
Mr Paice has secured a Ten Minute Rule Bill which will be presented to the House of Commons when MPs return after next week's half term break.
He will have ten minutes to make the case for his Trespass with a vehicle (offences) Bill on Tuesday, Feb. 28th.
Mr Paice told the News: "One of the main reasons for the huge increase of travellers camping illegally in Cambridgeshire was the introduction of legislation two or three years ago in Ireland making it a criminal offence to trespass on land with a vehicle.
"A lot of travellers came over here from Ireland...
"My Bill would make it a criminal offence rather than a civil one to trespass on land with a vehicle, including a caravan, as is the case now in Ireland.
"This would allow a police officer to ask the trespassers to move on and if they refused, forcibly remove them and if necessary arrest them.
Coun Sebastian Kindersley, leader of South Cambridgeshire District Council, said many travellers had already bought land so would not be trespassing - but were in breach of planning regulations.
"Ultimately it still does not address the issue we have that there needs to be a Government- driven resolution for the provision of sites and land for travellers."
Daniel Bibby senior, who owns a travellers' site in Schole Road, Willingham, said he wondered whether trespas by vehicle would apply to police making raids on travellers sites.
Jeez - that's all I'm typing for now!
What are we going to do about this attempt to pass legislation that could make travellers lives very unpleasant and difficult indeed.
And related...
The Cambridge Evening News website is currently carrying this interesting piece about travellers - from their point of view
which i think people *might* be interested in...
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Action on the CEN
19.02.2006 23:55
What do you rekon?
Not sure
20.02.2006 13:13
Like many local papers they are to the right on some things and to the left on others - following public opinion as closely as they can.
So for instance they've been very good on the NHS crisis and ethical investment - but very bad on travellers.
But even there it isn't simply anti-traveller propaganda, there is a, possibly token, effort to put the other side. One of the links I posted is to an article that is very traveller friendly. Unfortunately the vast majority of CEN's coverage isn't as positive.
What travellers say though is that they want people to work with the local paper and try to improve coverage that way - it's certainly true that the aggressive and rather simple minded attack on the CEN as near fascist has made their coverage worse, probably from a bloody minded 'don't tell us what to print' perspective.
I think that positive approaches to the CEN are far more likely to get positive results and a head on war can't be won unless we are running a rival local paper - which as far as I'm aware we are not.
Jim Jay