Objections can be placed before tomorrow (Friday) by emailing

"The Arts Picturehouse is currently under serious threat from planned licensing changes to The Regal pub situated below us.
"Changes to the pub's licence would mean live and recorded music playing in the pub, which will be heard in one of our auditoriums - whilst you are trying to watch a movie.
"We urge any patrons who feel the same way as we do to join us in our fight by objecting to any licence changes. You can register your complaint directly at the council by writing to:

"Any complaints need to be made by Friday 3rd February 2006.
"For further information you can contact us directly via


The licence application is for live and recorded music from 7 am to 4 am.
"The Regal is going to become a "Lloyds". For those unaware, a "Lloyds" is like "The Regal" with flashy lights, loud music (i.e RnB) and DJ. (This in effect, combined with the change in license, will make it one of the largest nightclubs on the UK. Certain large clubs are, naturally, bricking it.)
"They've already had the dancefloor installed and already began playing music until a friendly licensing officer informed them they don't have the license, hence the application.
"A fucking huge nightclub playing RnB every night all week while a DJ mouths off over the top is *exactly* what historic Regent Street needs if you ask me..."
Source of this, discussion and model letters, see

If you want to be angry, try the feedback form at
www.jdwetherspoon.co.uk and ask what the hell they're doing.
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