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Thousands join International Day against Climate Change

IMCista london | 08.12.2005 22:33 | Ecology | Cambridge | London

December 3rd was propagated as the International Day against Climate Change. Worldwide, demonstrations and protests had been announced to coincide with the meeting of the World Leaders in Montreal. Thousands marched today as London's contribution to the International Day of Climate Protest. A wholly peaceful demonstration wound its way from Lincoln's Inn Fields, via Thames Embankment, Parliament Square (where there was a brief sit down) and Downing Street to - astonishingly - the US Embassy in Grosvenor Square.

In Cambridge, there was a Critical Mass demo for action to halt climate change, whilst in Edinburgh, about 200 protesters stood up against rain, cold and Xmas shopping to protest against the environmental-hostile, carbon-dioxide-blasting politics of the Scottish Executive via increased road-building schemes, such as the M74 extension, the Dalkeith Bypass and A701 Alignment, airport extensions and others. PHOTOS: Edinburgh | Cambridge | 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 | around the world| Global indymedia| Climate indymedia

IMCista london
