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EXPOSED - Center for Consumer Freedom

AL | 24.06.2005 17:53 | Animal Liberation | Cambridge | London

The Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) (formerly called the "Guest Choice Network") is a front group for the restaurant, alcohol and tobacco industries

Center for Consumer Freedom Exposed
and Other Opposition Groups

The Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) (formerly called the "Guest Choice Network") is a front group for the restaurant, alcohol and tobacco industries. It runs media campaigns which oppose the efforts of scientists, doctors, health advocates, environmentalists and groups like Mothers Against Drunk Driving, calling them "the Nanny Culture -- the growing fraternity of food cops, health care enforcers, anti-meat activists, and meddling bureaucrats who 'know what's best for you. For more detailed information, please visit:
and additional information is available at:
Expose of Richard Berman of the Center for Consumer Freedom:

“While Berman presents himself as a defender of consumers against overbearing bureaucrats and health zealots, he's really defending the interests of another group: restaurant chains, food and beverage companies, meat producers, and others who stand to see profits hampered by government regulations, or even by increased health awareness on the part of customers.”

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics Blast the Center for Consumer Freedom for Violations of Tax-Exempt Status

“Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) filed a complaint with the Internal Revenue Service alleging that the Center for Consumer Freedom has violated its tax exempt status.”



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Consumer "freedom"

24.06.2005 19:00

I remember seeing these guys on the net somewhere. They truly are a spin machine, desperate to dispel any doubts consumers may have.

Ah well, as long as they're making money, who cares about the lives of little children, mothers, animals, the environment?

Man, these guys would sell the world for a dollar if it'd mean making a profit! Scummers!


Of course it's a front

17.07.2005 02:13

Of course the Center for Consumer Freedom is just a front, it's a well known fact. But it's no different from what a lot of animal rights organisations do. Just look at PETA, they created a front group called the Physicians Committee for responsible medicine. PETA use this group to spread scientific misinformation to try and hoodwink people into becoming vegetarian/vegan and try to fool people into opposing vivisection for scientific reasons. You lot criticising an organisation like this is hypocritical.

Humpty Dumpty
