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Cambridge Critical Mass

Tom | 15.06.2005 11:25 | Cambridge | London

The Cambridge Critical Mass needs support. Lets make things happen!

Look Out.... The Mass Is Coming!
Look Out.... The Mass Is Coming!

Hello again.

This is a call to the people of cambridge to gather support for a Cambridge Critical Mass.

Cambridge has so many bikes and i know there are others out there who would love to see a mass in Cambridge so please post any ideas/comments/messages of support and lets get a Mass on the streets of cambridge ASAP.

My idea is for a possible meet on friday at a location in cambridge and cycle around cambridge en mass. It would be great to see with colour and music from sound systems. Lets make it happen.

Clean Macines V Killing Machines

Post a comment now or email me

Heres a couple of sites that may be useful: (email for support) (for past rides and pics)

- e-mail:


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