Phoney and The Burning Bush are the dumb frontmen for the bloated and botched Global Polluters
The Global Polluters are the Grabalot Demented who are polluting and destroying the Earth and it’s people (pictured)
The Grabalot Demented are the Oil, Car, Air and War companies.
They believe in a fantasy called Continuous Growth.
Their Chairmen are the Grotesques of the modern era.
Bloated, Botched, Dumb and Avaricious.
Too much attention from mammy or was it not enough?
Grab some More boys.
Now the Demented have bought and paid-for Frontmen called the G8.
These Frontmen, in turn, have a Distraction Squad called Live8.
Live8 are Polluting their way to Edinburgh to tell G8 not to blow one another.
What a load of crap.
MaKe PovErty HisTory.
Give Our WarLords In AfriCa anther chance to stash more in Switzerland and buy more guns.
All we need to do is charge The IMF, World Bank and The WTO with criminal conspiracy to defraud and Africa will gain its rightful place at the trading table where no aid will be needed.
The cool in Europe now Boycott VIRGIN and RYANAIR.
If you want to travel buy a bike.