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World lab day postponed

me | 16.04.2005 16:50 | Cambridge

World Day for Laboratory Animals has been postponed this year and the "The Real World Day". This will be held on Saturday 28th May 2005

The following is taken from the shac website:
World Day for Laboratory Animals has been postponed this year due to Dover District Council's refusal to allow the rally on Pencester Gardens. Also Kent police told us at the last minute that you could arrive and march a short way around Dover and then you would be forced to leave the moment the march had finished. THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE.

We don't think any of you would appreciate a long journey to Dover to be pushed around by police, have no food, no information stalls and no speeches. We see this as a sneaky, underhand way of in effect banning people's right to protest. How dare they. We have been in negotiations with Kent police for months and they will come to realise respect is earned not given.

First they tried to shove us off on a march around the back streets of Dover (great!) so we fought for a decent march. They originally said that Pencester Gardens would be fine--then the council tell us it's not. The whole thing stinks of a combined effort to thwart us at every turn. It seems legal protest is becoming a thing of the past. Isn't it convenient for them that we are postponing World Day? Not at all because there will be nothing convenient about 28th May. All of us are driven by the plight of the animals and we need to do what is effective for them. Don't think that because the march is off on 30th April that you can't go out and do something on that day whether it is a stall or a demo with your local group.

Dover District Council obviously have no problem with primates and other animals coming through the port to be killed. Dover truly is the gateway to hell for the animals.

So what is the answer?

The answer is to gather ourselves, to think strategically and come up with a way to be 10 times as effective. The answer is "The Real World Day". This will be held on Saturday 28th May 2005. This time there will be no negotiating with police or councils whose only concern is their next election.

We see it as a complete waste of time when we could be out there fighting hard for the animals. After all we are all the animals have and police, councils and most of the public are never going to lift a finger to help them. It is time to pick our target and go for it at 100mph and sweep all obstructions out of the way.
Compare this brave woman with the cold hearted, selfish "authorities" at Dover.

I will never forget the phone call I received a few weeks ago from a young woman in Cumbria who told me that she was coming to World Day no matter what. Traveling that distance is one thing but this woman is seriously ill and she said she had to be there for the animals. What an inspiration.

If you are angry at being denied a demonstration for World Day for Laboratory Animals then the best thing you can do is get active and get mobile for them on May 28th. THE REAL WORLD DAY.

No meeting point just mobiles. So organise yourselves and send your mobile number to SHAC.



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Local Council

16.04.2005 19:19

So the local council refuses to give you permission for a demo so you cancel it ?

LOL, real hard core group


Read the artical next time......

17.04.2005 08:33

It hasn’t been cancelled its been POSTPHONED. The REAL WORLD LAB DAY is on Saturday 28th May and it will be more effective!


Has Shac given in?

17.04.2005 18:55

Shac's constant aggressive rhetoric and tactics are the reason that the majority of the animal liberation movement get labelled as terrorists and that a minority of the public support us instead of the majority. We need to win heart's and minds, not upset people who have some vague link to vivisection.

"Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal."
-- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dave DeMont

liberation not pacification

18.04.2005 11:13

> Has SHAC given in?

Go to and it is plainly obvious that SHAC haven't given in, nor will they ever give in.

> Shac's constant aggressive rhetoric and tactics are the reason that the majority of the animal liberation movement get labelled as terrorists and that a minority of the public support us instead of the majority.

The majority of the animal liberation movement supports SHAC. I noticed that you termed the movement 'liberation' not 'rights'. The peace and calm that you seem to adhere to will not bring about 'liberation' in any form soon.
The hundreds of pounds given at any SHAC stall on a given day is proof of ongoing support from the public.

So no, SHAC haven't 'given in'.


are animal liberationists misanthropic?

24.08.2005 17:52

well done in your campaign of terror near Lichfield ,I hope the guinea pigs are suitably grateful for your help.perhaps they will reward you in some small way.I do hope that the valiant campaigners are not too tired after their exertions in grave-desecration,house-burning,etc.thank heavens for people like you with your effortless moral superiority.

terry walton
mail e-mail:
