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Roma Day march against racism

Voluntary Slave / imc london | 10.04.2005 15:32 | Cambridge | London

Around 300 people, predominantly Roma and Sinti people from across Europe, marched through London to show their opposition to anti-traveller racism. [pics 1 | 2 | background | traveller-support | newswire on paper - special traveller support edition | audio report | more audio]

News from outside London: "Tash" reports about another case of restrictive traveller law. An exhibition marks the 20th anniversary of the "Battle of the Beanfield".

More of the musicians
More of the musicians

The march followed a service remembering the victims of the porrajmos (the holocaust), and of more recent ethnic cleansings and pogroms across Europe. We marched to a public meeting, where Travellers discussed how to respond to evictions (which are often distressing and violend) and the increase of anti-Traveller racism in the media. This included the announcement of the formation of a political party for Gypsies and Travellers, which will provide support for Travellers who intend to stand in elections. The first Traveller candidate announced her plans to stand against, and beat, Michael Howard in the forthcoming general election.
Thanks to "Bolshie Photos", "Voluntary Slave" and "Tash" for these reports and pics

Voluntary Slave / imc london


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Unseat Michael Howard and Save Dale Farm

13.04.2005 20:29

Sylvia Dunn, founder of the National Association of Gypsy Women, is the Romani candidate contesting Michael ( anti-Gypsy ) Howard's seat in Folkestone. She gave a good speech on making links on fighting racism and discrimination against refugees after the march as well as traveller harmonization with 'society'.

The meeting also addressed the concern of the media. ie. The racist crap printed in the tabloids. It is probably worth mentioning here that the march was pretty well overlooked in the mainstream 'news' broadcasting and papers who seem more interested in same day demos about fare increases and Scottish soldiers. Nor would the mainstream media be interested in the fact that people from different faiths attended the Holocaust Memorial Service at St James with the march being likewise a good mix of people....

The march was pretty well hurried along by the Met ( new tactic I've noticed as they did the same as the Refugee March the week before ) giving the excellent Roma band and the Rhythmns of Resistance samba band a bit of a challenge to play.

Another point of the meeting was to launch a campaign to stop the destruction of one of the largest traveller communities in the UK. Dale farm near Basildon, Essex is facing evicition by bailiffs Constant and Co. ( ) who specialise in dealing out shit to squatters and travellers ( and fly-traders according to their site! ). Seventy families face eviction after the 13th May.

