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Corporate Pirates Enjoy April Fool's Pro-Pillage Party

nickleberry | 01.04.2005 13:52 | Cambridge | London

This morning around eighty crazily-dressed corporate pirates turned up at the offices of Windrush International to celebrate a `pro-pillage party.' They were celebrating Windrush's part in the corporate rush to exploit the wealth of occupied Iraq. Pirates came equipped with skull and cross bones, eye patches and treasure chests.

drumming and marching for pillage!
drumming and marching for pillage!

snogging pirates!
snogging pirates!

VERY cool banner
VERY cool banner

free market map of Iraq
free market map of Iraq

Bush is a pirate too!
Bush is a pirate too!

Pink pirates
Pink pirates

The pirates were hoping to coax some of the employees of Windrush to join them for the party but those good workers were too modest to participate. So the pirates contented themselves with dancing to the drumming of `Rhythms of Resistance' and enjoying the spectacle of the `Theatre of War' and the `Random Artists'.

Pirate Steven `Long John' Barnes, 30, of London said of the party "Shiver me timbers but the occupying forces in Iraq have discovered buried treasure in a big way! So much oil, so much wealth to exploit. But they'd be powerless to make the most of it if it weren't for the work of companies like Windrush. Corporations are digging for treasure even as we speak and that's thanks to Windrush and people like them."

Pirate Yasmin `Bluebeard' Khan, 24, of London said "OOh aah, me hearties. We pirates know all about breaking the law and getting rich and that's just what Windrush are doing! And while we usually get just pieces of eight, these guys are digging into a treasure chest worth billions. The only disappointment is that the casualties have, unfortunately, been in proportion to the wealth - sad to say, but the skull and cross bones has sure got some blood on it."


IMAGES AND INTERVIEWS available from 07931337890,

1. Windrush Communications Ltd is the British company responsible for organising the Iraq Procurement Conferences. These regular events gather together multinational corporations and the US puppets that represent occupied Iraq, to "realise the enormous trade and investment
potential of Iraq". That is, to plan and discuss the sell-off of Iraq'
assets, properties and and resources, all in contravention of international law (Hague Regulations of 1907 and Geneva Conventions 1949). Corporate Watch have the following article about Windrush:

2. The Corporate Pirates are a group of individuals who have come together to protest the corporate pillage of Iraq. Four of their number were arrested outside the offices of Windrush in December. They currently await trial on charges of aggravated trespass.
The Corporate Pirates website:

IndyMedia Feature about the week of action:

3. The corporate exploitation of Iraq has been led by American Companies such as Halliburton and Bechtel. They have received multi-billion dollar contracts to `reconstruct' Iraq, as well as contracts to run businesses which were once state-owned. The reconstruction work of Halliburton is currently under particular scrutiny in the US after allegations of gross mismanagement and corruption. British Firms are also involved: Aegis, a UK security firm was awarded a $293 million contract to coordinate security operations. The founder of Aegis, Tim Spicer, has a long history in the `security' business and was recently investigated for illegal arms smuggling. This is just a sample of some of the businesses which are currently involved in Iraq.

4. More events have been planned for the week of action.
Mon 4th April, 8.30am @ Mark Street London EC2A
Vigil outside offices of Windrush Communications

Mon 4th April, 7.30pm @ Room D202, Clement House, LSE, Aldwych W1 Public Meeting: Buried treasure: corporate plunder and the reality of occupied Iraq.
Speakers include Yaser Hasan – Jubilee Iraq, Haifa Zangana – Iraqi
writer, exile from Saddam’s regime, Tim Woolrich - London Rising Tide.
Supported by StWC, Iraqi Occupation Focus and Voices in the Wilderness UK.

Tue 5th April, 8.30am @ Mark Street London EC2A
Vigil outside offices of Windrush Communications

Tue 5th April, 7pm @ LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, E1
Creative Forum: Films, and much more.

Wed 6th April, 12pm @ Mark Street London EC2A
Say Farewell to Windrush
Protest outside their offices



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Wot no parrots?

01.04.2005 18:23

Brilliant job. Wish I was there.

l j silver
