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Fallujah in Pictures

Poon | 18.11.2004 13:04 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | Cambridge

The Fallujah in Pictures website (address below) is grim viewing...

Resistance Fighters? Civilians? Human beings.
Resistance Fighters? Civilians? Human beings.

Wounded US Soldier
Wounded US Soldier

...but tells you so much more about the reality of what's happening than you'll see elsewhere.

- e-mail: fallujahpictures [AT]
- Homepage:


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mom we'er home

18.11.2004 14:04


Not much blood on the watch though!

18.11.2004 19:26

And its not looking too painful

silent bob

Bring the message home...

19.11.2004 01:26 the warmongers themselves by printing off from the website some of these horrific images of human suffering, then go out and flypost them on your nearest Army & Navy Recruitment offices, as well as your local NeoLabour Office's windows.

Remind them very graphically and directly what consequences their decisions are having.

Go on, do it.

I dare you.

Oh yes, and don't forget to paste them all over those sodding car hoardings as well.

In Site

Good idea

19.11.2004 18:46

I like the idea of the slogan "Bring the War home". Putting up graphic pictures like this goes some way to doing that.

People will be shocked and some will disapprove. But if they think looking at the pictures is bad they should try being in the war zone in the flesh...

