On Thursday 7th US authorities issued a federal order to Rackspace to hand over Indymedia web servers, hosting services for more than 20 Indymedia sites and much more. Rackspace complied removing discs from London.
It is unclear to Indymedia how and why a server that is outside the US jurisdiction can be seized by US authorities. The discs have now been returned. But the questions remain...
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USA Government Controlled By International Billionaires, Waging War on World
19.10.2004 13:46
Do not ever trust an American government official. Their masters are beasts. I was a bank examiner and auditor with no criminal record and able to vote. I began to investigate criminal conduct in government in 2001. Now I have survived two assassination attempts by US government criminals, have been subjected to numerous abuses, and cringe at the sight of those blood thirsty savage government officials, many of them lacky idiots who should be used as targets at a fox hunt with hounds.
The USA will never be the same again, or maybe it never was as they claim.
The solution: Demand your governments establish space colonies. Maybe a few of you will survive the upcoming war, nuclear and biological. Mind control and a hidden attack and murder may be their most powerful weapon. They love to call crazy or incarcerate all who oppose them.
If things continue, I would rather have total death than to have my family subjected to their lies and abuses and caste setting. USA governments involved in illegal drug business and international money laundering. International and national criminals in bed together. Government bureaucrats are wet ass lackies who growl behind savage dogs with guns. Let us toss a couple of killer flies into their party if they continue their rampage past November elections.
Give US liberty and freedom from your monopolistic propaganda and media, or give us all death.
They scowl at us and call us names, us being those on the outside. Piss ants aflame is what we all will become under their guidance. Overthrow the USA monopolistic regime in your nation the UK. Remember the American Revolutionary War.
American By Birth Only
Homepage: http://www.angelfire.com/zine2/democracyordeath/