Problems like low pay, privatisation, destruction of the environment, racism and inequality, longer hours, worse conditions, and the lack of decent and affordable housing that accompanies privatisation of council housing and services - all are affecting more and more people. This is part of a global trend, where giant multinational corporations are gaining more and more power, and profit gets increasingly put before human needs.
The EASF is a local manifestation of the social forum 'movement of movements' that is growing around the world, starting with the World Social Forum gatherings in Brazil and India, and the European Social Forums held in Italy and France.
The next great European Social Forum will be held in London this October. Previous European Social Forums have gathered together over 50,000 activists to discuss resistance to, and alternatives to war, exploitation, privatisation, racism and injustice. And campaigners in the UK are already preparing for protest against the G8 global gathering of world leaders to be held in Scotland.
The EASF hopes to support all local movements and groups that are fighting for a more equal, just, peaceful and sustainable society, locally and globally. We want to help activists share information and resources.
Suggestion for discussion at the next EASF gathering include:
* Participation in and promotion of the European Social Forum in London this October.
* Building a local mass gathering of movements - an East Anglia Social Forum event.
* Mobilising for protests against the G8 summit of the most powerful leaders on Earth at Gleneagles in Scotland in June 2005.
* Supporting local and regional struggles.
* Feedback on this website and the role of alternative media in networking
* And anything else you may want to add!
Please feel free to discuss this on the EASF online forum:

Map locating Ipswich Friends Meeting House: