The first proposals to install mobile CCTV cameras were made to the city council as early as March 2003. A number of reports and assessments were drafted about the number of cameras, their type and the overall cost of the project. Finally it was decided that two (2) Radio Wave cameras will be purchased at the total cost of more than 100.000 pounds.
At the same time the idea that Mill Road needs to have cameras installed was also floated. A council report (by Head of Property & Building Services) describes the implications and costs of such a scheme. Strangely it admits that "violent crime offenses are not likely to be affected by CCTV coverage if they are alcohol-related. Along Mill Road, in both 2000 and 2001, pedestrian and household surveys revealed that people feel that drunk and disorderly behavior is an increasing problem in the area." Burglary is another crime that might not be affected.
A year later mobile CCTV cameras were bought, and installed in Mill Road. Their deployment strangely coincided with the ban on alcohol, and the notices forbidding gatherings on Mill Road, and giving powers to the police to disperse them. This scheme itself was subject to a lot of controversy: the council wanted to use a by-law to impose it (which would not be legal) while the home office provided special statutory tools for such policies (Designated Public Places Order (DPPO)). At the same time a press release from the lib dems (that control the council) claim a first victory for the mobile CCTV scheme: an incident of anti-social behaviour (could be anything including being drunk).
Is CCTV in this area really for reducing crime? Not really, just for a bit more social control. As the councilors say they have agreed with the police "to use new police dispersal powers to deal with anti-social behavior on the streets and these are proving very effective in conjunction with other powers and new mobile CCTV surveillance." Social clensing is in progress ...
The hype:
Description of options and costs for mobile CCTV:
Mill road CCTV assessment
Map of the Mill Road area:
The DPPO story (Cambridge evening news)
Lib dem response:
All CCTV cameras in the city & what they are used for:
Freedom of Information: Community Safety and Crime
More documents (Annual control room reports) - including broken links:
Hide the following 5 comments
08.06.2004 12:38
Advise 'Liberty' of this infingement of rights
08.06.2004 13:23
09.06.2004 00:01
Anyone know on what frequency/frequencies these "radio wave" cameras operate? Could be good for a bit of hacking...?!
09.06.2004 03:16
Never mind tackling the root causes of crime, (poverty, homelessness, drug addiction etc.) - just throw more money and resources at dealing with the symptoms instead,
by spending more money on pointless tricknology like CCTV.
Meanwhile, the use of it is culturally 'legitemised' by putting voyeur-vision 'reality' shows on our TVs (as well as spy-in-the-sky shows), which portray the use of this kind of spyware as socially acceptable.
It's quite well documented now that all CCTV does is move certain crimes elsewhere - that is to say, the muggers and rapists go somewhere else, as opposed to it actually stopping anything from happening.
And anyway, if you're drunk, you're too off your nut to care if you're on camera or not when you hit someone because you thought they'd insulted you!
The only place CCTV is good for is the scrapyard!!
Oh, and by the way, given the new byelaw we now seem to have against drinking in public in Cambridge - are the cops going to stop people having a barbie and a beer in the park on a hot summer day..?
Now, THAT would be popular, wouldn't it?!
See No Evil
I know the answers
24.07.2004 18:21
As for the frequencies utilised fopr the transmission they will be on any of the three licence exempt video frequencies available at present namely 1394 hz, 2400 -2499 hz & 5800-5899 Hz. The video images though will be encrypted utilising 128bit encryption and the data control bus for the cameras is also emncrypted so even if you are able to hack the image would be a waste of time unfortunately!