7:00 pm Panel and Discussion - What is the G8?
8:30 pm Open Forum - What are we going to do about it next year?
(Entrance through the archway on Bene't Street, next to the Eagle pub)
governments will meet. Next year, they're coming here!
As part of G8 Week, the Cambridge Action Network is putting on a number of events
including the Thursday evening forum. The first forum from 7-8 pm will focus on issues, and providing information about the G8 as an institution. It will include public discussion.
The second forum, from 8:30-9:30 will focus on the strategies we should adopt to resist the G8, and at the same time, build a global movement. It is an open public discussion and all are welcome.
For more information, email

In addition to the forums, other events include:
Sunday 6th June, The Locomotive Pub, Mill Road.
Film screening - The Fourth World War, 7.30pm.
Thursday June 10th, Market Square.
Public action against the faceless men, 12.30pm
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