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Indymedia UK is a network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and political issues

12th June: Norwich Anarchist Bookfair

Revolting Peasant | 27.05.2004 22:19 | Cambridge

Norwich prepares itself for it's first (for a long while) anarchist bookfair. For updates on its progress scroll to the end of this forum:

Norwich prepares itself for it's first (for a long while) anarchist bookfair. For updates on its progress scroll to the end of this forum:

For basic information:

Any queries, e-mail us at

It's a free event, with bookstalls, live music see (above forum for latest details), talks, discussions, workshops and videos. For more info go to

Revolting Peasant
- e-mail:


Hide the following 7 comments

With greeting, some music ...

30.05.2004 15:37

Download: Boem 4.13 min. (Made with rom Magix-eJay.) - mp3 3.9M

I hope you can enjoy music that I made.
I would like it quite a lot, to get played at anarchist bookfair.

Ron Kreike

Greetings from Amsterdam.

30.05.2004 16:20

Download: Tal 3.09 min. (Magix-Crossover.) - mp3 2.9M

Download: Peg 4.10 min. (Magix-Basic-A.) - mp3 3.8M

Download: Zap 3.56 min. (eJay-Techno.) - mp3 3.6M

Download: Del 1 4.03 min. (eJay-Dance.) - mp3 3.7M

I would like it very much, to get played at anarchist bookfair, internationally.

Ron Kreike.

More selfmade music.

14.10.2004 13:13

Download: Dazz 3.30 min. (Magix-Techno.) - mp3 3.2M

Recently made, little bit wild, and quite nice!

Ron Kreike

Another Crossover-music.

14.10.2004 14:12

Download: Craag 3.39 min. Magix-Crossover. - mp3 3.4M

I'm trying to hear my music also by radio!!

Ron Kreike

With greeting, selfmade music

04.06.2005 19:06

Download: Type 02:24 min. - mp3 2.2M

I think this is also a nice one, with quite some beat...
Only 2.24 min.

Ron Kreike
- Homepage:

Some more selfmade music...

26.07.2006 12:14

Download: Slof 3.25 min. - mp3 3.1M

This one I called
Slof 3.25min.
and is with also cello, harp, piano, a little bass and no drum.

ron kreike
- Homepage:

Gros (slow) 3.21 min.

05.08.2006 03:23

Download: Gros 3.21 min. - mp3 3.1M

This one I named
Gros 3.21 min.
is almost rockmusic
and is a slower version.

Ron Kr.
