SP Adopters undertake to vote for any candidates at elections who pledge to implement the Simultaneous Policy alongside other governments when all, or sufficient, have also pledged to do so. Simultaneous implementation removes the fear of first-mover disadvantage. This is a long-term parallel strategy to bring in the changes which are necessary, not just those that will be tolerated.
SP Adopters in the Eastern region now have someone to vote for in the forthcoming European Parliament elections (10 June) as Rosalind Gill has signed the SP pledge form. The New Statesman has picked up on this development in an article on new forms of democracy entitled 'How to bring politicians to heel'. There is a similar strategy being used by a group called London Citizens, which asks candidates for London Mayor to sign up to implement their list of policies.
The New Statesman article can be read at

Other candidates in the European election are invited to sign the SP pledge form. The party list with most candidates signing up will be endorsed by the SP campaign in the Eastern region (unless its other policies are viewed as too extreme).
It is free to become an SP Adopter. See the site

The Cambridge SP Adopters' Group (CAMSPAG) meets on the first Wednesday of each month at Emmanuel URC Church, Trumpington Street from 7.30 pm. We hold occassional policy fora looking at issues such as 'Making all trade Fair Trade', 'Achieving sustainable energy use' and 'Food security for all'.
Contact coordinator Mike Brady on 07986 736179 for further information or for leaflets to promote the campaign.